The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by redskap.

Blitz followed the group, trailing behind a short way. Just because he wasn't fighting them right now didn't mean he need some sense of...camaraderie affecting his judgment. And with his son speaking up so often, there were distractions enough in his head.

A flash of white caught his eye. The one with the gloves...Stephen? Yes, that was it. He had his hands in his pockets, and Blitz saw a few white shapes flying away, looking almost like doves. So...he's got some magic mittens, hm? They must do more than just fly; otherwise he wouldn't be here. Perhaps they enhanced his strength or speed; or perhaps they did something else entirely. He didn't really care; as long as they weren't fighting, he wouldn't know the man's full capabilities.

The fire mage, Alex, ran past the group, and entered the Starbucks. That's a smart one, there. Real genius. There's an alliance forming, and it has nearly all your opponents in it? Sure, why not do the equivalent of flipping them the bird. It'll end up real well for you. Wykerr grinned and twitched. I just hope it's me that gets to take care of you, when the time comes. You may be able to burn, but I can butcher.

Vexmagog turned to everyone as he walked backwards. He began talking about recruiting more people to his cause, the suit being the first. He also said something about a wolf and...Sen? Blitz figured Sen was the green thing he had seen jumping around earlier. The more people that join this little gang, the more likely that anyone who opposes it is going to go down fast and hard. I'm going to have to keep acting...keep pretending until the end. An idea struck him as they neared the coffee shop. He delved into the recesses of his mind.

<Yes, Father?>
I'm going to rest, for now. You are going to have your body back.
<...W-what? Are...are you sure?>
Yes. This current situation calls for more...friendliness than I'm used to. You've got your mother's ways; it comes to you naturally.
<Oh...uh...thank you, Father! I...I guess...we won't be killing anyone, then?>
Oh, no, we'll be killing, there's no doubt about that. It just might be a while before the time is right. And that's when I'll come back, and it will be your time to rest.
The boy's response sounded less than ecstatic. <Oh...alright.>
The red began draining from Blitz's eye, slowly going back to it's normal cloudy white. Father was giving control over to his son.
And boy? Don't even think about telling them about me. I'll kill you myself if it comes to that.
Blitz didn't respond, but Father saw his silence as the resignation that it was.

An nearby explosion shook Blitz out of his reverie. It burst from the side of the coffee shop, and someone walked out of the ashen cloud it had made. It was Alex, the mage from before. Blitz hurried inside the shop, where everyone else seemed to be, hoping he wouldn't be seen. Fighting was for Father, and Alex seemed like someone who was in a fighting mood.

Inside the shop, there was lots of dirt and dust hanging in the air, undoubtedly from the impromptu exit Alex had made. Vex was finishing saying something to Jacob, the man he had seen disappear before. That armor and sword didn't seem to fit the style of his fancy business wear, but he must have had them for a reason. Blitz hung back by the door, watching the ice mage, John, fix the wall and mess around with coffee beans. A small smile appeared on his mouth, unmarred by any hidden intent or malice. <These people are not here to kill...they just want to get home, like me. We can do this.>

A quiet chuckle rang in his head, and with it came the feeling that he was acting like a child. The smile disappeared, and Blitz stared at the ground, leaning back against the wall. Hope was pointless. Father had shown him that more than enough.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 01-27-2010, 01:52 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM