The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

Vexmagog watched out of the corner of his eye as his audience responded. He felt the dramatic flair of the pose overruled any benefit to be gained from watching them closely.

John Swift responded first, far too quickly to have actually considered his answer. "Sure, why not?" The corner of Vexmagog's mouth rose.

Steven Taylor responded second, the one of his present company he knew the least about. "I'll come, I've spent the past two years of my life searching for home. I'd be perfectly happy to continue doing so." While Vexmagog did not know the particulars of Steven's quest, he recognized the tale of a warrior searching for his home. Setting up such a journey was one of Vex's many ways to make powerful mortals continue to be entertaining during his millennia as a god. His smile broadened further.

Blitz answered next. "I'm in. Let's see what we can do." Vexmagog was hardly surprised there. That leaves...

"As much as I would love to accompany you, I think I shall keep to myself. Have fun trying to get out; I'll be waiting here when you realize the inevitable."

Vexmagog turned back the direction he was facing, away from the four. His smile faded. Of course. Can't let this tale progress with only one antagonist. Motivated by his feeling of the inevitability of our failure. Should his cynicism turn out to be warranted... well, at least he won't be in the pylon with us, where Jacob seemed certain there would be a way to 'turn off' the air. We could also bet that the long-legged Sen and the four-legged wolf could reach safety before him. Vexmagog's eyes narrowed and his smile returned, though perhaps with a more sinister edge. A swirling indigo tendril sputtered up from a crag in his right arm. It sizzled as it hit his flesh and hardened into more black stone. He did not give Alex the dignity of meeting his eye as the human jogged past him and entered the Starbucks. Odd that he left the group to run ahead of us to our next destination, he thought.

Vexmagog took a moment to recompose his expression before turning back around and making it visible to his remaining compatriots. "We have spoken with Jacob Helix previously, and feel reasonably assured that he would assist us, or at least make an effort not to hinder us." He began to walk backwards, allowing him to see the three others as they followed him across the square towards the Starbucks. I, he thought. I have spoken with Jacob. Careless error.

I suppose I should not mention Jacob's intended course of action should he reach the pylon. I do not believe these contestants have had an opportunity to meet him yet, and I doubt they would be amicable to allying with someone who was only minutes ago considering asphyxiating all of them.
"Sen's assistance, or, in fact, knowledge of what he would be assisting with appears to be limited. While he must be a warrior in some capacity to be present in this competition, he has not shown any hostility towards any other contestants as far as I am aware. I don't see any reason for that to change, assuming we all refrain from provoking him. Still, if we are to face off against this 'S' being, any help would be fantastic. We should make an effort to include him in our escape plans as long as such action would be reasonable, but I see no reason for him to accompany us while we investigate." Vexmagog mentally chastised himself for calling out to it earlier and failing to follow through before finding out more about its language. He was unsure to what extent he could communicate with the creature meaningfully. "That leaves Wolf. I have not seen this creature around, have any of you?"

"I haven't," John replied. The other two shook their heads in the negative. Vexmagog was careful to lead the group on a path that avoided the section of the road earlier warped by his arm.

"Hmm. An unknown. Well, it seems likely that all contestants not driven to it by alliance would naturally wind up at the pylon. It's really the only building that the director of this contest mentioned. If Wolf is already on his way there, alone, I imagine his purpose would be to do something to all of our detriments. If he is not, then he is likely either hiding out and waiting for this round to be over or searching elsewhere for a means of escape. It would be in our best interests, then, to go for the pylon now. If Wolf is not there already, perhaps we can find a way to communicate with him from there. If he is, we will see how he feels about our escape plans." He stopped at the front door of the Starbucks. "But first, we should rally Jacob."

He turned and opened the door, just as an explosion blew out the adjacent wall. I know exactly what that was,Vexmagog reflected. Jacob, from behind the counter, started. He spun around to see not one, but four of his competitors entering. His hand went instinctively to the handle of his blade. The flash subsided and he made out the front figure to be Vexmagog, who had not even turned around to see the source of the noise. A thin cloud of smoke rushed into the space between them, bringing drifting embers with it.

"Hey Jacob," he said simply with a smile, remembering the less formal greeting word Jacob had used earlier. Alex stormed out of the hole in the wall. When Vexmagog saw that he was out, he continued. "I see you've met Alexander?"


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 01-25-2010, 11:30 PM
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