The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

Vexmagog contemplated Alex's words for a moment before responding.

"If by 'gods' you refer to me, I should clarify that the term is not accurate. I am a former god, but now am simply a rather long-lived mortal. I understand that to admit this to you is showing weakness, and I do it only because I feel honestly and truly that going through with this contest is not the best course of action. I also bring it up because it bears mentioning that, as far as I am aware, none of the contestants have power great enough to simply, say, teleport out of here. If I were still a god, such an act would be within my power.

"The ones in charge of this contest COULD have chosen gods, but did not. If they simply wanted to see a spectacular fight, that is what they would have done. I say the fact that they did not indicates that they are unprepared for the eventuality of our escape - if it was something they could prevent, they would have chosen, for example, my brother Strekarr, Adma Jinka. Strekarr, God of Hatred. I am confident that his many bladed talons would carve out a battle worthy of any audience. Instead, they chose the mortal Vexmagog, once Vex, Adma Poki," Vexmagog stood a bit taller as he uttered these words, "Vex, God of Chaos."

"And you, Alexander Streinsand. And you, Blitz Wykerr. And you, Steven Taylor. And you, John Swift. I do not doubt that you are all fantastic warriors. I do not doubt that you are all willing, if need be, to fight and die in this competition." Vexmagog's voice rose, and he held his ruined right arm up in the air. "And I do not doubt that we can make the fuckers who did this to us fight and die for OUR entertainment if they try to stop us."

He turned away from the four to face the city square, his green cloak sweeping in a dramatic arc behind him. He pointed up to the artificial sun. "I'm going to round up the other three contestants, and then I'm going up there to find out how the people who lived here before got out." He turned his head, staring sidelong at the people behind him. "Who is coming with me?"


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 01-21-2010, 10:08 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM