The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

John was the first to respond. Vexmagog made sure to silence the words in Alex's ears, so as not to break the illusion of their solitude with his mental avatar. He sent the word "goat" through the humanoid's brain a couple of times, getting the impression of a quadrupedal hoofed beast with a head vaguely comparable to his own. Odd, he mused, how their world has a similar creature. He does not trust me yet. Blitz interrupted, and Vexmagog ensured Alex did not hear.

"What's this about getting home? ...And I hope I'm not interrupting?"

John's mental image of Vexmagog faded, and the red fog dissipated. The former deity nodded to the humanoid. Alex, still not having responded to the question, remained under the influence of the illusion.

Vexmagog gestured to the buildings-- the Target, the Starbucks, the city hall, and made his response inaudible to Alex. "These buildings are from your world, correct, Blitz? The being from the beginning of the contest, S, said that the former inhabitants of this place fled. Surely the means of their escape still exists somewhere in this colony. I have, in my past, had contact with other humans, like you, Alex, Jacob, and Steven." He nodded to Blitz, gestured to the prone Alex, then the Starbucks, then nodded to the approaching Steven. "On their planet, they had technology to traverse the barrier between universes. Even if this is not the same universe, it at least operates under the same rules." He pointed to the hole visible in the sphere, near the pylon, but opposite from their position. The blackness of space and the twinkle of the stars were visible through it. "Several 'stars,' each likely to have 'planets,' which in turn have 'moons.' Many planets and moons have life on them. It is likely that, if this universe has the same laws, the same creatures, the same language, and the same buildings, that somewhere around one of these stars exists similar technology familiar to the humans I knew."

He looked back down at the two humans and the humanoid in turn. "I am under the impression that the death of any contestant will result in the rest of us being removed from this place and taken to a new arena to do battle. I have no idea if the second arena will provide such an opportunity for each of us to return to our respective homes. Regardless, it would be foolish to prompt that 'change of scenery' until we have exhausted all possibilities in this place."

He turned to Alex and released the hold of the illusion from him. Blitz, John, and Steven turned to face him as well. "Alexander Streinsand. We are all..." he looked back and forth at the three contestants around him to judge their reactions, "...seeking a way to return home. I would be honored if you would aid us."


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 01-19-2010, 05:46 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM