The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Wolf stealthily watched the group of taillesses. The smells-like-forrest creature busied itself by feeding from a tree, which Wolf had seen no creature do before. They were hard and tall, and good at getting rid of back itches, but as food? He turned around, suddenly disinterested by it. There were more taillesses. One with a strange air around him walked into a hut with a large shape hanging from the wall. He had the smell of a leader, Wolf could even smell authority. The others... Danger!
Wolf smelled blood. He knew not whats, but where there was blood there was danger. His senses screamed at him. His shackles raised, he bared his teeth, and he had to control himself from bounding down the street and gnawing whatever was closest to the smell.
Calm! Stay! He screamed to himself in his head. He forced himself to stay put, to think before acting. The taillesses were talking. One had moose-like-fur and horns, yet stood on his hind legs. Wolf was confused. Why would someone so like animals hinder themselves with only two legs? They would stumble and fall and were so slow compared to four. Again, Wolf had to remind himsel that everything was new and definitely different, The other one, loud-bright-danger danced around his hand. Wolf had experianced storms, seen how as hit crashed through the sky, burned down trees and tore them apart with one swipe. He would be wary of that one. Much further away, he found th source of the smell of bright-beast-that-bites-hot. Someone was fighting with another who had fluffy-crunch-under-paw snow, and dropping-sharp-hard water that flew as he commanded.
That left one person he could not see, covered-paws.
Wolf wondered what to do. He could stalk the forrest-one longer, but then what? He could try to communicate with the two in the road, but that was where the blood smell came from. And Wolf had no idea if his mouth could manage proper speech, as he had done was yell before, he had yet to say anything legible in the taillesses yip-yap talk.
He climbed through a broken window and jumped down to the floor. He lay down, and started to recite parts of the language to himself, and to think aloud to better himself at "talking".


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 01-18-2010, 08:30 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM