The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

So Sen was an herbivore? Something like that, anyway. On the one hand, it didn't seem intelligent, and could probably be easily avoided. On the other hand, it had just ripped through a tree. "Hello!" <Wait, did Vex seriously just greet that thing? ...Well, he is the friendly sort.> Sen took a moment to stare at the two, before becoming disinterested and... digging up the tree? <Bioterrorism 'gone wrong' indeed. Eh, whatever keeps it away from me.>

"Hello there! I notice you three aren't smacking each-other around like idiots! Mind if I join you?" <Speaking of 'keep it away from me'...> Maybe it was the scarring. Maybe it was the red eye. Maybe it was that when you want a fight to be entertaining, you don't send in someone who's already half-dead without good reason. Whatever it was, he simply didn't like the looks of this 'Wykerr' kid. "I was actually gonna get some coffee. Vex?" "I will stay here, for now. Thank you for the offer." <The very friendly sort.> Jacob shrugged, facing the coffeeshop again. "Suit yourself." He grinned, not that the boy or satyr could see, of course, and added "You two play nice, now!" before finally earnestly heading out to get himself a drink.

Jacob stepped inside the Starbucks and was immediately greeted by the familiar artificial chill of air conditioning. No one was inside, of course, which made a little something start to nag at the back of his mind. He ignored it, and stepped behind the counter, seeking wherever the beans were kept. Meanwhile, his mind was churning. <Alright, we've got Dude With Fire and Dude With Ice. They're fairly dangerous, but hate each other, which should keep them away from me. I'll leave them to simmer; leaves one less person for me to deal with later. Then there's that guy with the gloves, but I haven't seen much of him and can't tell how much of a problem he'll be. Vanilla? Yeah, a vanilla latte sounds good.>

<...Then there's Vex. He should be easy enough to lure into a false sense of security, but that hand of his... I'll have to ask him about that. Sen doesn't seem too dangerous either, except maybe in a kind of feral way. Ah, here we are. Just gonna take these... And then there's Wykerr. No, no,
Blitz. I'll bet I know what he does. And we've got that Wolf, too. Probably like Sen, that one. Maybe a bit smarter, wherever the hell it is.>

<And then there's me.>
He chuckled quietly to himself, loading coffee powder and syrup into the espresso machine. <Ah, but I'm just a man in a suit with a sword, right? Easy prey for anyone here.> His laughter returned. <Or so they probably think...>

Vaulting the counter, he nabbed a stool and brought it back to wait on his black nectar.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by Not The Author - 01-18-2010, 06:36 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM