The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

Vexmagog realized there was too much going on around him to focus on one contestant right now. He quickly mentally reviewed everything happening nearby.

He saw, at the other end of the town square, that Alex and John had already engaged in combat. Why would they actually be going through with this contest so soon? I would have expected a bit longer before the paranoia could set in. If I'm going to get everyone to escape this round, I'm going to have to stop them before they kill each other. John Swift - his introduction said he has a stick that amplifies ice magic. The other one, power over fire, and a miner. I hope he does not dig his way through this bubble.

Steven is near them. He doesn't seem to be engaged in combat yet. Gloves that fetch things and create and destroy matter. That...

...Well, that could be quite useful. Perhaps he can be persuaded to make some sort of container to hold air.

And then--ah, he is addressing me. I am going to have to multi-task here.
Vexmagog tried his best to maintain a connection with both Sen and Blitz, to make sure he did not miss anything from the former and to translate for the latter.

"Hello there! I notice you three aren't smacking each-other around like idiots! Mind if I join you?"

A quick burst of logic deduced that "smacking each other around" likely meant fighting. So he thinks that fighting this early is a sign of ignorance! Excellent, he will make a fast ally. What did they say at the beginning, something about his having a strong bond with his father? Vexmagog smiled, remembering the last encounter he had with his most recent son -- how "strong bond" did not quite describe that relationship. Then again, I don't know exactly what that meant. It might have, like "troubleshooter", concealed a darker meaning. Hmm.

Vexmagog made up his mind. He turned to Jacob. "I will stay here, for now. Thank you for the offer."

He turned back to Blitz and extended his left hand. He took a step forward and...

His foot squelched into the spongy surface of the road. A warm, dark red liquid began to pool from invisible pores in the blacktop around the tips of his foot-fingers. He felt hot breath from the gutter nearby as the asphalt near him visibly exhaled. He frantically tried to adjust Blitz's senses. Account for my movement, make my feet appear as normal, remove the sound... I am not sure I got that in time. He may have seen something. And Jacob...I pray he was not looking in this direction. I did not realize I have been standing here this long.

Vexmagog broke the connection with Sen for the time being and re-established it with Jacob. He maintained a cheerful expression, and continued his advance, left arm outstretched, preventing Blitz and Jacob's senses from catching the blood pooling at his feet, and the inhalation of the street.

"Vexmagog, unemployed," he said, remembering protocol. He pointed to the other end of the square, where Alex and John were fighting. "May we walk and talk?"


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 01-18-2010, 03:32 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM