The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

John was released from his cage in a hollow tree. "What the hell?! You dare challenge me, tree-beast? I, the magnificent John Swift, shall destroy you!" He shifted around in the tree as best as he could, and used his magic to freeze and shatter a large portion of the tree. "Hah! Now you'll fall over on some random beast or something crazy like that!" He walked behind the tilting tree, kicked it, then walked off in some random direction.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by GBCE - 01-14-2010, 08:22 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM