The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

Drakenforge Wrote:I totally have to point this out due to relevance, so baph, [Image: v_790screen002.jpg]

This game was about a boy called Vex. He had demonic gauntlets.
Fuse him with this: [Image: Bitey_seqB_sc15_1.jpg]
Look familiar? I know your is original, but i had to note the resemblance.
Bitey of Brackenwood (the second thing) was not the first satyr. They have a long history in mythology as forest-dwelling debaucherous creatures with a love of trickery, with goatlike heads and legs and human everything else. I envisioned Vex more like Pan as portrayed in Tom Robbins's Jitterbug Perfume, if you want references.

I have no idea what the first thing is but I hate it. I just wanted him to have Cthulhu for an arm. I chose Vex for a name because it means to cause confusion, and it sounds cool.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!) - by GBCE - 01-11-2010, 01:52 AM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM