The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.)
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

[Image: majestic_2.png]
another[/url] Grand Battle thingy competition. Please don't run away screaming. If you don't know why you should run in the first place, continue onwards.


So, you enjoy dabbling in a spot of writing every now and again, and fancy putting your skill to the test with others of similar dispositions? Well, erm, look no further. Please, don't. Here is far enough. Well, actually, go to the end of this sentence at least, because this sentence tells you to visit the first of the five links above in order to read a summary of the rules and the general idea behind the competition that's better than what I could do. There's a summary here, but it is only a summary...


Basically, you are going to be in control of a character of your own design, who's just been plucked out of their home universe and deposited into a competition without any prior knowledge of the proceedings. This competition is to be a fight to the death between eight of the multiverse's best, and you are one of them. But your fate does not rest on your ability to run around slaughtering people - no, for this is a writing battle! Every round, there shall be one death, and this death is to be determined by who is judged to have performed the worst over the previous rounds. Then, with one player fewer to deal with, everyone will be whisked off to a new setting and put through the above again. Got that?

Now, to make things easier, you can use a RESERVE system to claim the right to post within two hours of reserving. This could provide you with some time to get things straight, to sort out how your character might react to a situation and to make sure that you're not going to cause any continuity errors, without having to rush, stressed other whether or not someone else is going to post first and spoil your masterplan. After that time, though, others can reserve or post, though hopefully you'll be up against other chivalrous enough to let you go before them...


As part of the master scheme of ending up with eight of these running their course, then having the winners fight each other at the end, a third wave of battles started up recently. Having plucked out the 16 combatants, there were still some interested parties left over, so I've offered to host the sixth one here and now for those people. They were then added to, to produce the following cast:

Drakenforge - Wolf (#400000)
Baphomet - Vexmagog (#4000BF)
Schazer - Sen (#40BF00)
Weldar - Steven Taylor (#008000
NotTheAuthor - Jacob Helix (#000080)
Kaikostrike - Alexander Striensand (#800000) - Got bit by Wolf a lot in the middle of a burning ring of trees - R1
redskap - Blitz Wykerr (#FF0000)
Korbz - John Swift (#4040FF) - Had his spine broken by crystal shards thrust into the air by a volcanic eruption - R2


If those names haven't put you off (hopefully you want to seize the opportunity to work with such talented names - I know I did!), then here's the form you'll need to fill in. Hey, reservees have to fill it in as well if they want their spot (except for Schazer, who's already PM'ed me hers - I'll put it in a spoiler in a post after this one)

Username: If you have trouble filling this in, we appreciate your enthusiasm, but please, seriously...
Name: No, not yours silly - the name of the character whom you have invented for this battle.
Gender: Kinda helpful. M, F, N/A or Other are your choices here, really. If you haven't fallen into one of those categories, I'd very much love to hear about it.
Race: Any and every possible species or type of creature that you can come up is fine by me. Human? Undead? Neptunian? Demon? Robot? Kitchen sink? Whatever you want, fine by me.
Colour: In order to make it easy to see who's posted what, you pick out a specific colour text (and/or, if you fancy it, a special coloured background) in which you'll write all your posts and, at a later stage, other players will write your character's speech or actions in as well. Currently, this,this,this and this are reserved by me for overlording stuff, and any of the colours listed above by combatant names are as well.
Weapon: Well, this is a battle, so one important thing to know is: what's your player's mode of attack? Describe it as best you can. Bear in mind that your character doesn't necessarily use a weapon - maybe their bodies are their weapon, or perhaps they use magic or something similar. Be creative!
Abilities: Whether or not your character has a weapon, chances are that's probably not the end of the story. What other powers or abilities do they have? Magic-wielders, here's the point where you can go beserk about it, whereas others might wish to have special skills or powers that might give them an edge. If you can write it in convincingly, then you can have it.
Description: So, what does your character look like? What's their mindset towards things? If you have a picture, or are able to draw one, that would be excellent, but it's no big deal - all we need to know is what your character is like, both appearance and personality-wise, so that they can be written for sucecssfully.
Biography: OK, chances are your character hasn't just materialised out of thin air. They've been around for a while, have lived a life and all that. Let's hear about it. Having some character depth is helpful for writing for them, so just come up with a little backstory for them.


tl;dr - An entity called The Executive has assigned two of his minions, Talis and Sruix, to host a Grand Battle for him, at Talis's suggestion. But it seems that Talis might have some other motive for suggesting it, bar his master's entertainment...

Messages In This Thread
The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.) - by Sruixan - 01-10-2010, 12:10 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM