Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 3: Menagerie]

Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 3: Menagerie]
Re: Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 2: Greenport, Massachusetts]
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

The fog continued its supernatural grip over the quiet town. Though this unnatural phenomenon stirred supernatural fear among the residing populace, the daring heroes trudged forth (if a somewhat delusional post-apocalyptic survivor and an undead sociopath could be considered heroes)! Kay would never admit it, but the hastily placed together partnership seemed to reinforce their minds against the dreadful uneasiness that seemed to plague this place.

Regardless of their legitimacy in heroism, the two continued their expedition just as determined – and just as aimless. Seriously, the white carpet of water vapor never seemed to end. It was like whiteness all the way, an infinite sheet of cloudy cottons stretching to each corners of Greenport. Kay wondered why her incorporeal brain was leaning toward the more poetic mood. However, she did not want that mind-wandering to stop.

She was afraid.

No no no, she was not really afraid. If she had been truly afraid, she would be screaming her ghostly lungs out and that would be embarrassing. She was sort-of afraid. The fog, though contributable to her emotional pile called “afraid,” was not the main reason. She was incredibly edgy about Batman the confidante. He was a veteran combatant, yes. He had the brains (though partially fried by radioactivity) to be a wily fighter. It was just that the heroic partnership was sudden. Too sudden.

Perhaps, the duel was still going on. Perhaps, Batman was using trickery! His apparent stupidity and idiosyncrasies was merely a ruse. If she let her guard down, Batman would ambush her, wrapping his gloved hands around her neck as a hidden smile crept up behind his dumb-looking fishbowl helmet. As he snapped her neck and her vision clouded by death and pain, he would say –

[color=#JUSTICE]Meanwhile, Batman was slightly perturbed at his fellow combatant. She was just standing…there. That was a serious problem, especially since they were on the run from creatures with variable levels of indescribable horror. What had gotten into her anyway? Perhaps, Kay was possessed by a ghost – or an alien. Was it possible for a ghost to be possessed by a ghost? Only Batman knows. Regardless of the hidden trenches of Bat-knowledge he was sure to have, Batman decided it was prudent to gently tap Kay on the shoulder.

[color=#justice]<font color="Red">Kay jumped a good couple feet into the air, reminding Batman of a Deathclaw before he caved its face in. After realizing that it was Batman who startled her, Kay’s exaggerated panic sputtered to a stewing anger (and a noticeable hint of embarrassment).

“Why did you do that?” Kay demanded, clacking her triangular mask into Batman’s helmet.[/color]

To the surprise of his combatant competitor, Batman immediately clasped both of his hands on Kay’s shoulders. As irradiated gears clacking within the survivor’s addled brain, Batman attempted to figure out what to say. Batman always had some words of wisdom to say. After all, Batman was not only just a crime fighter. He was a father, a teacher, and a saint if he needed. Not surprisingly, he was the Dark Knight, champion of light in the cruel darkness. Now, if he could glean some words to say…

“Fear is nothing!”</font>

What?” Kay looked a little confused.

[color=#justice]“Fear IS nothing.” Batman repeated with strong confidence. As an adviser, he must make sure the words drill into her head.[/color]

“What the fuck was that supposed to mean?”

[color=#justice]“FEAR IS NOTHING.” He shouted.

Batman was feeling rather confident. The advice he imparted was short, curt, but full to the brim with priceless wisdom. Of course, he knew the meaning behind these sacred words. All he needed to do was figure out what the meaning was exactly. He knew it! He just needed a little time, just a little more time. Wait, wait, he almost got it –

[color=#justice]Suddenly Kay jumped back and drew the sword out of her chest. Batman was extremely disappointed. Just like his superhero compatriot, he had no choice but to use a little tough love. Perhaps, a little slapping around and some choice words (maybe involving the state of his supposedly late parents) could press the lesson into her triangle head. However, there was something emerging from the mists.[/color]

One, two, no, countless figures slowly appeared in their vision, horrible humanoids shambling closer and closer. They wore thick layers of garb, decadently decked in ornate jewelry and unspeakable embroideries. Though their clothes cover every inch of their body, their attire could not hide their deformed bodies. They walked, no, hopped combatant-wards, their unblinking watery eyes gleaming with clever cruelty. Although Kay and Batman did not know now, the atrocious mob in front of them was one of main local cults, the Recondite Sect of Greenport.

Although they were horribly decorated with intrinsic accessories, one of the figures stood out amongst all of them. He was the largest and most bejeweled, pretty impressive considering everyone else was also rather large and over-decorated. His malevolent eyes, bugged out in impossible directions, surveyed the standing two. These two were magnificent specimens, plenty of meat on their bones. Yes, yes, they would be worthy for sacrifice.

With a wave of his hand, the cult leader commanded his followers to get them.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 2: Greenport, Massachusetts] - by GBCE - 12-05-2011, 01:54 AM