Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 3: Menagerie]

Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 3: Menagerie]
Re: Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 2: Greenport, Massachusetts]
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

"Well, that is certainly something." Brontes murmured, raising a questionable eyebrow.

<font color="Red">Kay hated to admit that, but what was happening right now was certainly something. The descent of the debris, which she now recognized as the flaming remainders of previous round, was taking longer than it was expected. Kay was dead, not a scientist. However, she was pretty sure gravity accelerated faster than that.

The slow fall was not the only peculiar thing that caught Kay's unseen eye. The area was incredibly foggy. Not the normal kind of fog, she remembered in her childhood. There was thick, odious vibe that seems to engulf where the seemly supernatural fog seems to go. Kay found that especially unnerving.

But of course! The weather would not stall her pursuit. Batman might be there somewhere. Batman, the quarry. Batman, the prey. Batman, the goal. For this moment of time, Batman was everything to her and as a consequence, she must get him. She was a hunter, after all and a hunter never lets go of her victims.

"A hunter never lets go of her victims," Kay repeated audibly, unknowingly getting a good amount of wary glances from the crowd. With the ominous fog and the feeling of dread growing stronger in the atmosphere, what the duelist had said was not exactly helping the mood of the crowd.

Without further adieu, Kay started to strut her way into the fog. Just when she managed two feet in distance, she was rudely interrupted with a <font color="Blue">"Hey, lady!"
Ugh, so annoying. The duelist served her head in the direction of the innkeeper, focusing all the rage of one painted eye against the man.</font>

"Hey lady!" Brontes yelled, "I do not exactly recommend going in there." Although Brontes did not care much for strangers, safety was an incredibly important issue for him. After all, he had the reputation of the inn to uphold and disappearing visitors, even those already dead, do not exactly pay for maintenance costs.

"A lot of nasty things in there," the Innkeeper continued. "Some even ungodly indescribable."

Kay looked back at the direction she was traveling in, haughtily backhanding the warning Brontes. Why should he be so concerned about her status? The rush of the long-gone adrenaline, the delicate thread of life near the razor edge of risk. Danger was the core of her character in life, and she intended to keep it that way, even in death. Plus, warnings were so unromantic.

Still, she could not afford time to mince words with this unimportant man. However, she would spare him the politeness. A true lady always was respectful, even to brutes and slobs. “Sorry to say, but I must go. It is of utmost importance to me to pursue my quarry.”

To the duelist's surprise, the innkeeper’s face screwed up into a visage of shock and confusion."Quarry?" Brontes sputtered. "What quarry? Most importantly, do you have any idea where your 'quarry' is?"

Where? That single word hit Kay like a sack of bricks. Where? That was a very good question, especially since, much to her horror, she did not remember something! She knew his face (fishbowl). She knew his combat tactics (punching and screaming out his name). However, for some reason, she forgot that one meddling fact, the smallest, yet the most important. She did not remember where Batman was! How could she.

If Kay had a face, her mouth would be slightly agape and her eyes would be zoned out like a dead fish. Her emotional state usually consisted of unhealthy obsession with a single individual and rage. However, for the first time, she felt dumbfounded. Kay just stood there, swerving oh-so-slightly as she attempted to work around the fact that she did not have many advantages as she knew she had.

"Hello?" Brontes asked.

No talk! Nevermind that! Words are just words! She would decide whatever she wanted to do. Without trepidation, Kay trampled her way into the fog. Despite the exaggerated pomp in her taloned feet and her ornate wardrobe, there was this aura of uneasiness oozing from her. With some quick thinking, Brontes realized. The bird-lady did not have much confidence.

"Are you okay?" the innkeeper questioned with a tone of concern.

"I’M FINE. I’M FINE." Kay yelled without looking back.

“May I ask why you are risking pursuit, then?”

Kay stopped. That was also a very good question,

but not the type of question she was comfortable answering on the spot.

“None of your business.”

And so, Kay disappeared into the fog, leaving only blood footprints to betray her presence.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 2: Greenport, Massachusetts] - by GBCE - 11-23-2011, 04:40 AM