Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 3: Menagerie]

Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 3: Menagerie]
Re: Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 1: Pan Asia Airways Flight 1727]
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

*Swish, Swish.*
*Swish, Swish.*

"Uh... that isn't working."
The two members of the BPD looked at each other in a startled and ruffled state. With the ghostly Kay's body unmoving from their vehicle, they knew that one of them would have to go and remove the body manually. There was a silent tension as each of them knew what would come.
With the silence broken, the game was afoot.
"You said it first!"
"I said it first? No, you did!"
"Stop saying everything I say!"
"No, seriously, stop!"

<font color="#114EAA">Idiot in stereo may be enough for the cameras and for the audience at home, but it certainly isn't for Rannus. As the two increased their bickering and he noticed that Kay was begging to stir, he began with an *ahem*. "Officers, may I remind you that we are pressed for time?"

The two promptly ceased and slouched back into their chairs.
"So I guess I'll just go take Kay off I guess..." Cordave mumbled.

The winged officer stepped out of the car and began to push off the ghostly woman. He struggled a little but was able to do it, giving a thumbs up after his success. As she dropped to the floor, Kay let off an ethereal groan, leading to Cordave only being half in the car when Avus hit it.</font>

As the Bird Police and company rushed away, the go-kart riding Italian puttered along, turning into the scene of his target riding off with an unconscious dame on the ground...

Messages In This Thread
Re: Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 1: Pan Asia Airways Flight 1727] - by Solaris - 11-01-2011, 10:07 AM