Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 3: Menagerie]

Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 3: Menagerie]
Re: Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 1: Pan Asia Airways Flight 1727]
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

[color=#JUSTICE]The baggage section, filled to the brim with Pan Asia Airway's poorest customers, normally saw little to no movement, given the space provided. A nodding head as someone managed to fall asleep, a shaken head as someone else failed to, a general exodus from the vicinity of a particularly gassy traveler. These were all normal, expected movements, unlike the one occurring right now.

The baggage section travelers parted in Batman's wake like the Red Sea around Moses. If any had been asked why they did so, they would've mumbled something about a fire in his eyes, or the purposeful way he walked. Truthfully, it was just that no one wanted to get close to somebody with that much dried blood on their fists.

Batman hardly cared what their real reasons were. As usual, he was narrating his story in his mind. The dark knight walks purposefully down the aisle. The people, seeing his fearsome stature and the way he holds himself, allow him to pass. He strode down the aisle at a steady clip, slow enough for the baggage section travelers to shuffle out of his way, but fast enough that when one grabbed his ankle, he nearly pulled her along with him. His train of thought interrupted, he looked down with an expression of mild surprise.

"E-Excuse me," she asked quietly with a slight stutter, casting her eyes down so as not to have to meet his. "Are you work on the airplane?" When Batman said nothing, she stole a quick glance up to make sure he was still there and then looked back down. Apparently taking his silence for an affirmation, she continued. "I...we heard a loud noise, an explosion or something, a few minutes ago. D-Do you know what it was?" At her question, the host's words trickled back to Batman.

<font color="slategrey">"I would say you have an hour, perhaps two, before the aircraft crashes and you all cease to live."[/color]

Batman refuses to let the rest of their lives be lived in terror! "One of the richer customers threw a firecracker out of a window," he hastily improvised.

A man further down the row decided to pipe up just then. "That was an awful big explosion for a firecracker." To Batman's dismay, his skeptical response was all it took to open the floor.

"Rocked the ship too, it did!"

"What the hell kind of firecrackers to they give out here?"


"Shut the fuck up, Larry."

"It was a large bundle of firecrackers!" Batman shouted frantically, but he could no longer be heard over the mass of conversations sprouting up in the usually silent baggage section.

He looked down again as he felt another tug on his pants. The woman beckoned for him to squat down so he could hear her, and she obliged. "Is it bad?" she asked, meeting his eyes for the first time, fear and concern evident in hers.

Batman hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "You have more than an hour but less than two. Make it count." He stood up and found the crowd was longer parting for him. He forced his way down the rest of the baggage section until he reached the stairs, leaving the woman sitting there quietly with a blank stare on her face.</font>
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]

Messages In This Thread
Re: Mini-Grand 5111 [Round 1: Pan Asia Airways Flight 1727] - by Pick Yer Poison - 10-13-2011, 01:18 AM