Mini-Grand 5112 [Round One: Artificer's Alley]

Mini-Grand 5112 [Round One: Artificer's Alley]
Re: Mini-Grand 5112 [Round One: Artificer's Alley]
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

To say that Murphy's thought process was a normal one would not quite be an accurate statement to make. Upon being thrust into this new place that he'd never seen before by some unimaginable force with three other odd individuals his reaction was not one of panic or of fear, it was instead a simple nod of his head as he pinched his dull skin, feeling nothing.

"Alright, well I can't be sure this isn't a dream yet but that sure is a point against."

While believing the scenario to be a fake one is not the most original of reactions, most wouldn't quite go to suck lengths to prove or disprove it as Murphy was about to, but then again most people didn't have the same luxuries as Murphy did.

Deciding that maiming himself would be the proper course of action, Murphy began to look around the empty lot, noting that everything was very structured. The booths were placed at even distances from each other, and after peeking behind them, he noted that they were clean and ordered, very unlike any of the other, similar sorts of alley's he had seen.

"Well I'm sure that whoever owns these won't mind me using their tools a little."

Murphy shuffled through the booths until he found one with the proper sort of tools that could properly inflict enough pain to wake him up if this was in fact a dream and a thing that was actually happening.

"Ooh, this will do!"

Murphy picked up a hacksaw, the teeth on it sharp enough to cut through the hardest of materials like butter.

"This will do nicely."

Slowly, not because of hesitation but because he needed to do this perfectly, Murphy raised the hacksaw to his face, turned it around, and started on his test.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Mini-Grand 5112 [Round One: Artificer's Alley] - by Solaris - 01-12-2013, 04:11 AM