Intense Struggle Season 2! (Round 4: Deathball Championship)

Intense Struggle Season 2! (Round 4: Deathball Championship)
Re: Intense Struggle Season 2! (Round 4: Deathball Championship)
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Well, her only plan was to sit and mope, so it wasn’t as though being abducted was interrupting anything. But it was still awfully inconvenient. And actually somewhat terrifying considering that she was unsecured in the back of a truck whose driver seemed to be erring on the side of ‘reckless.’ The truck turned and she slid painfully to the side.

Okay, like hell she was going to just sit here quietly.

“Hey!” she yelled, banging on the rear window. Lloyd glanced to the rear view mirror and started slightly – Lloyd the manager immediately recognized the woman in the back as a Deathball recruiter. Lloyd the transnovel traveler immediately recognized the woman in the back as Sarika that righteous prophet bird woman and he didn’t really remember much else about her because she wasn’t very interesting beyond the bird-prophet thing.

Sarika also recognized him as that crazy guy that once derailed a train for reasons she didn’t really understand but also stopped her from committing suicide that one time, which she somewhat appreciated although now that she was thinking about that, it kinda made conversations with him awkward. But at the very least, he was an ally. She resumed pounding on the glass with some muffled pleads to slow down and let her off.

On the one hand, he wasn’t so pressed for time that he couldn’t pull over and comply. On the other hand, he really really wanted this over with already and the first stop wasn’t even that far off right now. So Lloyd shouted back something about just hanging tight for a bit and continued zooming along, and Sarika toppled over in the back and hit her head.

As she felt a dull ringing between her ears, she decided to just stare up at the sky for a moment as it rolled by. She dreamily looked for signs in the cloud. She wished that she wasn’t yet again being tugged along mindlessly. She realized that if she wasn’t, she would have just wandered around like a lost puppy. She wanted someone to tell her what to do but she didn’t want to just follow behind on a leash but she didn’t know how to know what to do otherwise. Maybe if the gods would just tell her. Maybe if she prayed –

She was the goddamn oracle. The people came to her when they wanted to talk to the gods. She didn’t have to pray. She shouldn’t have to pray. She just knew.

Then why don’t you know anything right now?

Maybe…she had lost touch with the gods. The spiritual stuff. Her culture.

But she had felt trapped, back where she was before. But obviously running away hadn’t solved anything. She needed to go another direction. She needed to delve back and remember a, a purpose, something that made her life meaningful or something.

So when Lloyd finally came to a stop, he found Sarika sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, head tilted slightly to the sky. She was definitely mumbling something to herself.

He simply left her there. If she didn’t want to get off, that wasn’t his problem. Unless she got in the way of valuable trunk space, then he’d probably have to shove her aside. In any case, she didn’t seem like one to get in the way or anything. She would probably jump at the opportunity to help deliver this radical justice anyways, or whatever. That was a vigilante thing, right? And she was one of those things, right? Right.

He walked inside.


Messages In This Thread
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Re: Intense Struggle Season 2! - by GBCE - 07-12-2010, 01:19 PM
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