The Great Belligerency [Round 4: Static]

The Great Belligerency [Round 4: Static]
Re: The Great Belligerency [Round 3: Eternity Plateau]
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

A man on a horse galloped forth. To be honest, it was almost a comical sight: a corpulent man bedecked in luxurious furs, his proportionally short legs clasped tightly on his bow-legged horse. From Balance’s distance, it looked like a shag-pillow on a dachshund. A lesser man would laugh at such a sight. However, Balance was a God and a Judge – also he was not a big fan of visual humor.

“WHO GOES THERE,” the head nestled in furs demanded down to the godly intruder. From the clattering jewelry and the well-oiled face of the horseman, Balance made an easy guess that the demanding questioner was clearly the leader of this village – also he looked kind of like a talking palm-tree from what the god could see.

Balancing! Such an easy task! Yet, such a hard endeavor – and to be honest, Balance was not so sure what he was exactly doing. He was sure all those tasks, barrier-mucking and all that, had that feel of mistake in them. If mistakes add up, the tip of balance would push over – over him, perhaps? After all, equilibrium was a phenomenon that permeated the nature of all things, even himself. At that thought, the entity began to nervously tangle his fingers into the strings of his beloved scales.

Well, there was not much time. Balance let out a scholarly cough. “Well, good sir. I am in a desperate situation, a situation that would affect all of life on this Plateau. Villagers had fell under the cause of Dark Forces and as such, the fate of this world lies in balance, a balance that would need” His red eye trailed up to the leader. “Military enforcements.”

Balance valued brevity. After all, brevity was the soul of wit and Balance was pretty sure that he had a witty soul. Balance also valued formality. Violence could only get you so far, as he learned from his brother. Politeness will get you places. Balance was a bit annoyed when he found an absurdly sharp halberd edging at his throat.

“Desperate, eh?” The leader hissed through his teeth. “That fancy-ass collar says otherwise! In speaking of fancy, the fate-of-the-world-being-in-jeopardy kind of thing seems awfully contrived.” He began to pull at his sparse mustache as he stared down at the god. “Tell me, you got any evidence to back yourself up?”

Suddenly, a swarm of foot soldiers, each as furry as the leader, surrounded Balance with pointy objects of various lengths. Being a God of Balance and everything, Balance pretty much anticipated that - although it was still kind of disconcerting. Immediately, the god began to think up scenarios in his head. Well, he could use his powers again. After all, there are more soldiers than god of balances. On the other hand, fighting against a god is not exactly a fair fight…

Suddenly, the scales rang.

The apparatus in his hands rattled, the weighing plates clanging nosily against the beam. The movement was so strong, so violent that it leapt out of Balance’s hands. The God looked down, a bit perturbed at the convenient interruption, at the scale sprawled at the sand.

Silence permeated the environment as Balance, soldiers, and the leader attempted to figure out what was the symbolism behind such a random event. A significant amount of minutes passed as a dragonfly lazily droned into the village. It was a typical dragonfly, long, winged, and in a beautiful iridescent blue. Of course what happened was not typical.

The bow-legged horse straddled his weighty rider with much gravity. The steed was feeling quite hungry. It has been a while since his master fed him. Immediately, the dull-headed mammal began to look for food, staring at the grass, the shrubs, and finally, the waltzing dragonfly. The stout equine acknowledged the insectoid visitor - with his tongue. In a lightning flick, a thick sticky cord of flesh shot from the horse’s thick lips, caught the dragonfly, and disappeared.

The horse was enormously contented with chewing away at his grisly snack of exoskeletons and chitin. His owner, however, was not. After all, it was not often that you see your mount decide to make a far-ranged snack out of a fly. “What, what is going ON?” the leader demanded, shocked at the cascade of events that led to the demise of the insect.

The soldiers were uneasy at this sight, milling uncomfortably. However, Balance leapt at that chance. This was the perfect place to convince this man to his side - the keystone to the problem that was keeping balance. With a gleam in his eyes, the God of Balance spoke, “That was merely a warning. Soon, there will be more to come.”

“W-what?” The horseman leader shifted uncomfortably on his insectivorous steed. The red-eyed stranger had announced upcoming danger and that sounded…foreboding to say the least. The leader was not exactly sure the nature of the danger and what the hell was going on. However, this danger seemed to spell the worst intentions for the village he lords over.

“Well, the fate of this world lies in balance. If it so slightly tips over, there would be unspeakable things.” Balance thoughtfully looked up at the leader of the village. “Unspeakable things that might happen to your home, your village, perhaps even your family.”

The horseman just sputtered.

“If you want to protect your village, I have just the solution. The solution is simple: to eradicate Girnham and his forces. However, the caveat is you would aid me.” Balance waved his hand across. “Will you aid me in fighting Girnham?”

The decision was unanimous.

Meanwhile, near the village, a lush field of grass resided – infested with many wolves, wolves that bleated and huddled like normal sheep. However, it was obvious there were no normal sheep as a lone ram buckled forth and attacked one of the un-wolfish wolves. His prey was finished with a violent bite in the neck and dragged away into the nearby forest, only a trail of blood betraying any evidence of attack.

It is safe to say that things would not improve in this place.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Great Belligerency [Round 3: Eternity Plateau] - by GBCE - 02-22-2012, 02:20 AM