The Great Belligerency [Round 4: Static]

The Great Belligerency [Round 4: Static]
Re: The Great Belligerency [Round 1: The Rainy Place]
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

Hey, you're not supposed to do that-

To post, you need to first post a reserve, then when you're done writing, you can edit up your post. This is to prevent someone from posting as you're writing your post. So right now, Wojjan has a reserve, and you can't post until she's done. It looks like your post won't have any conflicts with Wojjan's, though, so I'll let this one pass.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Great Belligerency [Round 1: The Rainy Place] - by Aryogaton - 08-09-2010, 10:51 PM