The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 5: GrandCon]
Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

The woman at the booth sighed, one hand propping up her chin and another twirling the end of her scarf around. This was her first time at GrandCon, and she had been convinced that her stuff would sell like hotcakes, but so far, all she'd managed to sell was a single bracelet. She tried to remind herself that things were just getting started, that she still had three whole days to make some money, but that stupid self-doubt kept plaguing her, telling her she was going to fail.

"Um, hello?"

The tailor looked up to see the best costume she'd seen in her life. Dear god, it's accurate down to the mud stains, she thought. Holly, in turn, simply shuffled in place and coughed, waiting for a response. Eventually, she got one. "Hey! Great costume. Welcome to the store, uh, anything catch your eye?"

Holly looked over the booth. Scarves, hats, gloves, and jewelry lined the booth; all clearly cheap, but at the same time, it looked quite nice - the shopkeeper had clearly put a lot of effort into making them. The elf frowned at the desperation she caught from the woman as if she actually cared about other people which she did for fuck's sake and even if she did, she shouldn't, because there's more important things right--

Eureka chewed on her lower lip. "Are you alright? You look a little, um..."

Holly shook her head. "No, it's fine. I'm just, you know... browsing." If she had some clothes, she could use them as materials, or maybe she could even disguise herself the next round... But she didn't have any money. You're a goddamn emotion wizard, just get her to give it to you for free. But that would be wrong, and you need to give up this ethics bullshit and accept the fact that you can only survive by fucking other people over. Besides, she'll be happy.

There was a long pause, which the shopkeeper punctuated with a cough. Finally, Holly smiled, saying "just one moment." Putting her bag on the ground, she rifled through it before finding a letter from one of the clients she'd had back in Fernwood. Thanking her for helping him come to grips with his depression from losing an arm, and finding him a place to work. She gently folded it in her left hand, and extended her right to Eureka. "My name's Ch--" fuck, she couldn't use that, people would remember she'd used it before-- "Uh, Chelsea... Volta."

The woman grasped her hand and shook, only able to get out "My name is" before she was overcome with a feeling of bliss and relaxation. She laughed a little, and Holly winced. Was she really doing this, all over again? It's necessary. The elf let go and smiled. "So, um, can I... maybe have some things for free?"

The shopkeeper simply laughed again and nodded. "Sure, whatever you want." Holly smiled and took several items of clothing, shoving them into her bag and smiling. As she walked away, several people stared at her in confusion. Some wrote off the glow they'd seen coming from her hands as their imagination, and others as an impressive special effect that came with the costume; but a few thought that neither of these seemed quite possible, and began wondering how on earth she'd managed it.

The elf backed away as they approached her. "Uh, what do you guys want, exactly?" One of them, a young boy with a fake beard, poked her with a gray cardboard tube. "Are you really the elf lady?" Another, a young woman dressed in an oversized hat and robes and wearing too many pendants to count, stared in awe. "You're the real Holly, aren't you? It's great to meet you."

The elf stared at the small group, confused. "Look, you have the wrong idea. I'm just... I'm just, you know, a fan of... these things, coming to this place because..."

The third member of the group, a thin man with dirt-covered hair and vines wrapped around his torso and backpack, smiled slightly. "You don't have to hide it from us. I mean, Part Four of Gradmass is released just in time for the convention, and then someone in a perfect Holly costume shows up? Anyone could see we've got a cameo round on our hands."

Holly stared blankly for a moment, then grinned. "Alright, you three, but don't tell anyone, okay? I have very important questions for you that could determine the outcome of the entire battle." Almost all of them immediately perked up. "Just follow me to my room, okay? There we can talk in private."
Holly strolled through the halls, adjusting the brim of her hat. On the one hand, it wouldn't be too difficult to stay inconspicuous as herself; on the other hand, this would probably be safer should she run into Countess, and the person who'd previously owned the costume had given her enough information on Miss Nibbs that the elf figured she could fake her way out if anyone called her on it.

She realized that the voice in her head had finally quieted down, and she sighed. Was this really what it would take? Going back to this bullshit? Just deal with the fact that you weren't meant to be a good person. It'll be easier that way.

It was easier, Holly supposed, as she flipped through the schedule for the day. One panel in particular caught her eye-- Robots, Golems and Zombie Vacuums: Artificial Beings in Grand Battles. Slowly, a sinister grin came to her face, and she headed directly to the courtyard, temporarily repurposed as the Eximo Plaza.
Inside a dark closet, Cedric and Olivia finally managed to wake up Annaliese. "Huh? What is it?.. where the hell is my costume?"

Olivia sighed. "Seems we were played for fools. Last thing I remember, Miss Tallbirch took out a pillow. Then I woke up here. Door's locked, by the way. I don't expect to be getting out any time soon."

Cedric turned his head. "Hey, guys? Do you hear a sorta screeching?"

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 5: GrandCon] - by MaxieSatan - 04-21-2012, 01:49 AM