The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 3: Las Orbitas]
Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

“What do you mean ‘no money?’”

Ruby Melatu LaReed sighed as she gently sprinkled water on a bonsai behind the counter, which shortly thereafter bloomed with sparkling sapphire earrings. She eyed the elf, and the irritating multicolored bolts spouting out around her, somewhat apprehensively. “Hon, we got folks comin’ in every couple months with a brand-new kinda scratch lining their pockets, and we’re in a swamp, which ain’t exactly the best source of precious metals. Barter’s more convenient is all.”

Holly Tallbirch stared back at her with the wide-eyed gaze of someone convinced they’re talking to an insane person, a stray bolt of magic shooting from her index finger and turning brass-and-opal vine, hanging above the counter, into a very narrow and sparkly guitar. “You run a jewelry store,” she said, gesturing at the display in the counter for rather unnecessary emphasis.

LaReed scratched her neck and shrugged. “S’what I’m good at. Sides, you’ve come looking in here, so you got no right to complain.” She leaned forward on the counter, smiling with impossibly sparkly white teeth. “And I can tell you ain’t just here to browse or introduce yourself. You want somethin’, right?”

Holly begrudgingly nodded and gestured towards the topaz ring on her left hand. “I need a couple of these, so that, uh…” Another bolt produced a rubber band, which stayed stubbornly motionless in midair, despite Ruby’s bemused attempt to grab it. “So that doesn’t keep happening,” she continued. She nearly followed suit and leaned on the counter as well, then thought better of it and shuffled backwards slightly. “How much do you want for the job?”

Ruby stared closely at the topaz ring, a glint coming to her eye, and a rough seed slowly formed in her palm. “You’re new in town, right? Ain’t no charge, ‘specially if it’s for somethin’ as important as that. Don’t want you turnin’ anybody’s hands into lobsters, or anythin’.”

Holly laughed nervously as Ruby shoved the seed inside a pot and sprinkled water on it. A shrub quickly formed, with several identical rings appearing on it like berries. Ruby tossed two to the elf, who hastily placed them on her left hand. Both sighed in relief as the crackling and bolts died down. Holly smiled softly. “Thanks. Thanks a lot. I promise I’ll pay you back sometime.”

Ruby laughed, scratching the back of her neck again. “Hey, no problem. What’s your name, by the way, newcomer?”

Holly took only a fraction of a second longer to respond than she normally might. “Cherry! Cherry Ironwood. Nice to meet you, Ms. LaReed.” She looked at her feet for a moment, then back at the owner of the jewelry store. “So… you said everyone who lives here is from a battle? These things are common?”

She nodded. “More’n you’d imagine. But those of us who make it here, we get by. Always nice to see some new people in town, since it means they didn’t die or stay out in the mist… that fella you talked about, he’s Otto’s grandson. You’ll probably meet Otto soon enough, seein’ as he’s more or less mayor of the place. Shame it happened to him, but that sorta thing happens, y’know? Livin’ here, you learn to deal with it. Least it’s gettin’ better. Maybe someday, it’ll actually be a nice place.”

Holly nodded. “Yeah… well, I’m here now, so I’ll try to make the best of it. Thanks for the rings, and like I said, I’ll pay you back sometime.” She smiled widely, waved, and left the store, ready to get herself established.


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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 3: Las Orbitas] - by MaxieSatan - 06-07-2011, 11:45 PM