The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 3: Las Orbitas]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Algernon fumbled with the communications device for a few seconds before finally managing to keep it still enough for him to turn it off. He tucked it away in a pocket, his hands shaking, and he stared morosely at the dark end of the hall, which was very quickly approaching him...

Oh dear god what was he even supposed to do how could he possibly figure out what to do in this crappy situation seriously he wasn't some sort of technical genius or something and wait a minute, Ouroborous was in the walls?! How did that even happen and oh my god that's bad oh my god.

Algernon backed up from the approaching wave of screaming darkness. Then he backed up faster. Then he actually turned around and ran. But it didn't take long for the screeching to catch up to him and dear god if he thought it was bad before it was nowhere near the fear he had when he had the feeling of actually being surrounded by them and

They just passed him by.

Algernon stood up straight again. The only source of light now was ahead of him, and that was already quickly turning into a speck as the bugs ate their way through the wires or stuff or whatever was in the walls or something. He wasn't sure why they would prefer a mass of wires to a snivelling hunk of flesh like him, but he supposed he shouldn't complain too much.

He could barely see a thing now. Actually, he couldn't see a thing. With a strange sort of disappointment, he wondered if he had to take off his new headgear to conjure up some sort of light when he suddenly remembered something and fumbled around in his pack blindly before pulling out the flashlight. He felt around and switched it on and blinked when the beam of light shot itself in his face, but hey, at least it was light.

Thank god for Pluck, wherever he is. With the flashlight, he supposed everybody would see him coming. But at least he would be able to see them coming too. And maybe there were some hallways that weren't shut down or anything, maybe.

So. Now that he was somewhat calmed down. What was he even supposed to do?

If she really destroyed a lot of the cameras, then there was nobody in surveillance to watch him...although he had no idea why he had that thought. Even if there were, they probably couldn't help. Especially if it was the...that guy with the sadism. And he felt it entirely unlikely that he would come across anybody else to help him. It was unlikely he would run into any willing contestants (yes, it may be surprising, but even the Countess herself didn't seem like the helpful type) and, if he caught that message right, then all the employees, who actually knew this techno stuff, were all running off to some other place. Nav-something. Navigation, maybe. So hurray for him, he was alone.

Seriously, couldn't the engineer do this? Oh of course not he was dead and that wouldn't nearly be as interesting enough. Maybe because he wasn't a wimp like him.

Algernon felt a sudden compulsion to start moving around and walked down the hallway, away from the Ouroborous and its feeding frenzy, swinging the flashlight around so that he could not, say, run into walls.

An energy leak. So there was some sort of power supply that was busted...? Or was there some hole in the wall that was just letitng energy fly out willy nilly? Did it even work that way? What the heeeelllllllll.

So. They needed some other sort of power source. Or repair the old power source. Or whatever the heck was wrong with things or something. Something like that? But then where was the power source room or engine or whatever? Would he even be able to fix that if he didn't even know what was going on inside? Also, if he made a power source, wouldn't the mass of bugs just eat it up again? Unless the...uh...output was faster...?

This was starting to sound like he would have to make some sort of perpetual motion machine. Which also sounded like an easy way to get knocked unconscious. Maybe he should actually go after the Ouroborous firstwait a minute no that was a horrible idea why did he think that.

But it couldn't be too hard. Sure, it was in the walls, but it was also trapped in the walls. He could, like, start...a fire or something and it would spread inside the walls and the bugs would burn up and there we go, screaming death bugs done. It's too bad that that plan would probably make things worse. And make him unable to then save the station.

Maybe...he had to make a perpetual motion machine, then. It really did seem like the only thing he could think of. Some sort of thingy that, despite energy flowing out somewhere else, would be able to...uh...keep making more energy? A continuous stream of energy? Did energy work like that? Would it even work to power the place up again?

Well, he supposed it wasn't much of a question of physics rather than a question of how much his worm needed to eat...

He peered at the walls with his flashlight for a moment before finding some sort of little crack in the wall. Prying at it with his clumsy fingers didn't work out too well and so he searched through his bag for anything that could help.

Unfortunately, nothing seemed quite so good at prying off stuff. In frustration, he finally decided to break off the wind-up key of the turtle and try to use that as a tiny crowbar. Amazingly, it worked. Somehow.

He stared down into the mess of rather torn and ragged wires. Goddamn. He was really not the best for this job.

Still, he thought up a few more details about a supposed device that could spit out energy without stopping. If he really was going to faint, he certainly hoped that he wouldn't hit his head too hard.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 3: Las Orbitas] - by MalkyTop - 12-08-2010, 08:53 PM