The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 2: The Museum]
Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

The world slowly came back into focus, although Holly's headache was nowhere near as cooperative. She groaned and pressed against a nearby wall. There is something on my ears. After further inspection, Holly found that the lobes had some blood caked on. She winced and pushed off of the wall, doing her best not to fall unconscious again.

Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. I have to find her before something bad happens. Holly focused on the surrounding area, combing it for any trace of Acacia's current emotional signal (Holly assumed that the best match was something along the lines of "gleeful self-superiority"), which noticeably exacerbated her headache. Eventually, she managed to pick something up, and a single bead of purple dye coalesced in the air. The elf moved towards it and did her best to create more of the droplets, and slowly but surely, they ushered forth. A pained smile came to her face.

Holly set off on the trail roughly as quickly as she could, doing her best to consider what she would do once she finally came face-to-face with her quarry. Whatever I do, I have to disarm that sonic... thing. Then I can show her how to inflict proper pain, not her pathetic imitation.

The elf briefly glanced into a diorama of a parasite slowly taking control of somebody's entire nervous system. She didn't know whether to chuckle or feel nauseous again, so she decided to just pretend it wasn't there. She sighed and went back to closely following the trail. For an instant, a nagging doubt popped to the forefront of her mind, but she shut it out in the hopes of getting her act together.

Dear god, everyone involved in this is either insane or clueless, and I'm no exception. Didn't somebody say that the insane can't realize they're insane? Is that proof that I'm sane, or am I just proof that it's wrong? The elf briefly looked into another exhibit, this one apparently being a replica of a cannibal's kitchen. That guy probably knew he was nuts. Didn't stop him from eating people. She shook her head. Indeed, with the exception of Algernon(?), Pluck(???), and the knight whose name she had already forgotten, she was pretty sure everyone involved was certifiable.

For an instant, Acacia seemed to phase into Holly's field of vision. The elf rubbed her eyes, revealing it to be a simple mugger who was apparently about to have his neck snapped by a vigilante in a rather unique mask. She sighed and kept walking. Doesn't matter. Have to stay on the trail.

And so she went, occasionally looking at an exhibit, constantly following the trail. Unfortunately, there was one thing Holly hadn't realized, namely that her foreboding feeling earlier had been completely justified. There had, in fact, been what amounted to a fork in the road. Upon reaching the end of the trail, Holly cursed and began rubbing her eyes again. This time, the apparition did not disappear, mainly due to it actually existing.

Holly would have been fine with admitting she made a mistake, however embarrassing it might have been. She simply wished that she had found out about it in a manner other than coming face-to-face with none other than the largest threat in the entire battle.

The elf closed her eyes, groaned, and raised her hand halfheartedly. "Hello again, Countess."


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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 2: The Museum] - by MaxieSatan - 08-13-2010, 11:18 AM