The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 2: The Museum]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

"It's very nice juice," Algernon commented as they walked through the halls. Pluck just grumbled.

Apparently, Algernon had been very distracted. It had taken several tries to even get a drink and then several more to get the drink he wanted. They had ended up getting some crayons, some markers, a tiny elephant, a little wind-up turtle, a squid, a flashlight, some tea bags and a whip in that approximate order. Creating that many items hadn't exactly put him in a good mood. Algernon had simply picked up all the items and tried to stuff them haphazardly into his backpack. Except for the squid, of course. They just left that lying around.

"You know, I hardly remember the taste of juice. I'm not sure if it's because it's been so long or because I just forgot."

"Mm-hm," the werewolf sighed. He was sure that the man beside him knew that he couldn't care less about what he was saying. He wasn't sure why he was still talking.

"I mean, if I make food or drink, it has to go away at some point or this stupid worm'll just keep on eating memories. So as soon as I eat them, poof! There it goes and I'm as hungry as before. It feels a little weird. I don't even dare waiting 'til after I've digested. Probably would hurt."

"Uh-huh." Pluck spent his time glancing idly at the various displays they passed, sometimes averting his eyes quickly and remembering exactly why he didn't want to look at them, sometimes just staring, bewildered. One that made him double-take was a display that had several people strapped to a chair, their eyes forced open. They were watching a movie he didn't recognize but apparently it was very horrible. One of the victims was frothing at the mouth. He wasn't sure whether to find this worrying or hilarious.

Algernon sucked the juice box dry and, reluctant to litter in a museum that belonged to a sadist, tucked it away in his pocket. "You know what would be nice, it would be nice if--"

"Oh god," Pluck interrupted, eyes widening. "Did you hear something?"

"Huh?" The werewolf shushed him and the two just stood there listening. Eventually, they could hear somebody muttering and a sound that, if one had to describe it, would probably describe it as bone rattling on the floor.

"It's him. It's Death. C'mon, we gotta go the other way." Algernon shook off the werewolf's grip on his arm, looking much too calm for Pluck's liking.

"Hey, it's Death. He doesn't actually kill people, you know. I think. Actually, I'm not sure...but he doesn't come for you until it's your time, right?" Pluck looked back at the infuriatingly calm Algernon.

"We," he breathed out, not sure whether he was hyperventilating out of panic or out of irritation, "are in a battle. To the death. More likely than not, it is our time. So let's go! We gotta get out of here!"

Algernon frowned and opened his mouth to say that he didn't think merely running away from the personification of death meant running away from actual death, especially since this wasn't the real Death, just one made from a torture-robot-victim's mind (?) but then Death turned the corner and glared at them. Or would if his face had any muscle. Or skin. Or eyes. The two stared at him.

He stared back.

Algernon waved his hand cheerfully before Pluck quickly grabbed it and wrenched it down. "Well, he doesn't seem too bad so far," he commented.

"I hate you why are you so calm why can't you panic like a normal person." Pluck hissed.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING OVER THERE," Death barked, striding towards them. Pluck started tugging on Algernon's arm again.

"Alright, we've stared at the face of Death long enough can we go now, please?"

"Um," Algernon replied, finally noticing how Death's blue pinpricks that served as his eyes darted around suspiciously and how he was muttering under his non-breath unfounded accusations of treachery and general suspiciousness towards those around him. Mostly Algernon and Pluck.

The two started running the other way. Death kept his slow stride but somehow seemed to keep pace with them. And was gaining. As Pluck hissed some 'I told you's at his direction, Algernon was slowly picking up the panic he had somehow lost, as if he had just remembered he was in an insane battle that was taking place in an insane, disgusting museum and

"I hear buzzing. Do you?"

Pluck and Algernon almost ran right into the cloud that was Ouroborous.

The cloud of bugs turned its attention from one of the torturer animatronics, having been confounded at tearing away at the flesh and finding only strange inedible stuff underneath. A whole mass of questionably-sentient bugs turning as one to analyze some possible new prey was a very interesting sight indeed, but neither Pluck or Algernon bothered to observe it as they were too busy running away from both a swarm of death-bugs and Death himself. Luckily, the torturer decided not to take chase as well. He was just relieved that the mass of insects finally left him alone.

"Alright, I think I have a plan," Pluck shouted and he turned slightly to be able to see their pursuers. "Think of, I dunno, an impenetrable glass cage or something!" He barely waited after that command and watched as something popped into view.

"Oh Christ," the werewolf moaned as they ran even faster. Behind them was a strange creature, what appeared to be a cloaked glass exoskeleton of a bug wielding a fancy scythe. "Why. Why did you think that. Why."

"When you're being pursued by something incredibly dangerous, your mind tends to be occupied by whatever it is you're being pursued by!" Algernon shouted back, now completely panicking. Pluck wasn't sure whether he preferred him in his calmer state.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 2: The Museum] - by MalkyTop - 07-23-2010, 01:11 AM