The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 2: The Museum]
Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

Through the whole speech, all Holly did was sit there, sweating, staring. A scowl faded to shock, and she quickly brought out her whip and lashed the pistol out of Acacia's hand. Holly sighed as the pistol skidded across the floor. The elf briefly started to say something, but paused to get her thoughts in order. Swallowing, she began.

"Listen, Acacia. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but I want to make one thing very clear. I don't buy your 'poor me, Aic's running rampant' act. Everyone you knew is dead, and that's terrible." Holly winced at her own ineptitude; she'd never had to sympathize with someone, and she felt like a fool. "But I don't think you're as virtuous as you make yourself out to be." She gestured at the General. "I don't know what this guy was like. Maybe he was mad, doing it just for twisted pleasure. But he was in your little group, wasn't he? So I see two possibilities, and neither seems to mesh with your portrayal of yourself.

"Possibility number one: The man was goddamn insane, and just doing it out of a twisted pleasure. But who wouldn't have gone insane, knowing they were the last hope for their species, one of a miniscule group holding out against a horrible sickness? Whose brain wouldn't break completely, leading to ever-increasing neuroses to the point where they had become unrecognizable? And, more importantly, who wouldn't start seeing them as things to be discarded at pleasure? Nothing you've done has given me any indication that you're saner than he is.

"Now, the second possibility is that he actually had more of a grip on things than you think. It was rather an important undertaking, wasn't it, keeping the species intact? Something tells me they'd check to see if someone was completely nuts before they involved them in the operation, let alone gave them a position of such high esteem. You say he swore that he was getting closer to a cure? Maybe he was, Acacia. Maybe he was just doing what people of your ilk are supposed to do with their smarts, namely, try to fix things. If you objected to his experiments, why didn't you try to find a cure yourself? Yeah, you're a botanist, sure. You've never heard of medicinal herbs? It didn't once cross your mind that maybe, just maybe, you could breed a cure for the sick bastards? Of course it didn't, and I know why. You wanted them to stay sick so you could keep causing them pain.

"You aren't a good person, Acacia. You can tell yourself you're the better one all you want, but that doesn't make it true. From what I've seen of you and Aic, the 'sociopath' is a lot better at forming a connection than you are. But hey, I like her. Maybe that's just because I'm biased. But I want to know right here and now: Why would you construct a persona who served only to be a sadist? You know what I think, Acacia? I think that deep down, you needed Aic for only one thing: a vent. She gave you an excuse to be a sadistic bitch to people who were already in the worst state they could imagine, and if you ever felt guilty about it, you just shuffled the thought away, saying 'oh, it was Aic. She's not me, it's not my fault that my body just slaughtered hundreds of innocents, somebody else was in control.'" Holly walked closer to Acacia, staring her down. "Trust me when I say this, because I am an expert in the subject: You are nothing but a sadistic little bitch, Skammer."


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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 2: The Museum] - by MaxieSatan - 07-20-2010, 05:29 PM