The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 2: The Museum]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

There were all sorts of people/robots on display. The Controller pretty much had a whole zoo in here, a zoo where the exhibits were on the brink of death and possibly past the climax of pain. Interestingly, most of the displays he passed hurriedly were of humans, or at least humanoids. There were a few that looked animal-like or alien, all with the familiar Homo sapien-ish form. Then there were apparently sentient plants. And giant meatballs. And things with tentacles and living appliances and beings made out of water. Sometimes they had a torturer with them, sometimes they stood alone. They were bound, whipped, dangled from the ceiling upside-down, roasted, boiled, tied to a table and had water drip agonizingly slowly on their heads, forced to watch their friends die, forced to kill their friends via mind control, torn apart and a host of other interesting torture methods that Algernon always tried to avoid looking at. The pleading stares directed towards him were always the same. The torturers, if there were any, sometimes looked at him with suspicion and/or longing for his unmolested flesh. It creeped him out considerably and he just marched faster until they just turned back to their own charges.

Finally he stopped in an area that seemed devoted entirely to the devices of torture rather than the demonstration of devices. Standing in the middle, finally no longer feeling pressured by the many stares that had been directed straight at him, Algernon let himself relax. He was still in a place that pretty much threw uneasiness at him like so many snowballs, but at least the barrage had lessened somewhat. He glanced around at the various devices. There was a clamp that squeezed the head to crushing point. A metal cow that would hold someone as a fire roared beneath. Some sort of strange metal thingie that he had no idea what it did. Something that was rather small and rectangular but opened up to reveal a mess of grabby things and slicey things and some other things. He dropped the open device in mild confusion and nervously wiped his hands on his pants. The smart thing to do would be to take something that could be used as a weapon. Even though most of them weren't sharp in the slightest, they could easily be used to smack someone upside the head. But not only did he feel rather uncomfortable stealing from the Controller, he felt uncomfortable carrying around something used for torture.

He was just hoping feebly that if he stayed here, nobody would bother him when a furry brown blur rushed in from apparently nowhere and collided with his back.

Pluck leaped up on his feet extraordinarily quickly and whipped his head around, apparently looking for something. Algernon stayed on the floor, waiting for the worm to stop its mini-tantrum before rubbing his throbbing head. "Um," he said carefully, hoping not to startle the werewolf. "Is there something...?"

"There's a Grim Reaper."

It took a long time for Algernon to reply. "The Grim Reaper was a torturer?"

"No!" Pluck replied, agitated.

In disbelief, Algernon said, "The Grim Reaper was being tortured?"

"No! He wasn't one of those exhibits!" Seeing a lack of any looming black cloaks or threatening scythes, Pluck stopped looking like a prairie dog who knows its being stalked. "I...I accidentally made it."

At this point, the dark-haired man finally sat up. "You accidentally created a grim reaper."

At his tone, Pluck got defensive. "I didn't think that it would work on robots! And I didn't know it would be the Grim Reaper!"

Algernon sat and thought for a moment. He was in a museum of torture with rather life-like robots and Death was roaming the apparently-infinite halls looking to do his job. He had a werewolf with him who still looked rather worried and, strangely enough, watching him worry was really calming him down. Somehow, this new situation made everything a little sillier and easier to deal with.

After a moment of thought, he said, "I'm a little thirsty. How about you?"


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 2: The Museum] - by MalkyTop - 07-14-2010, 03:33 PM