The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 2: The Museum]
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Thane's arm throbbed, as he pulled his soulblade out of it's sheathe. This was rapidly becoming a problem. He was in a battle to the death, at he was not fighting at full strength. He was going to have to do something about this, just as soon as he had finished dealing with the myriad of other things he had on his mind at the moment. The torturer stood there, staring into Thane's eyes a creepy grin across it's face. In it's hands it help a rusty hooked blade, with a jagged and bloodstained edge to it.
"A new victim?" The torturer asked, "But oh my someone's already started torturing this poor poor soul. Just look what they have done to his face... How simply ingenious." Thane stared at the torturer, attempting to discern it's nature. It seemed too life-like to be a simple machine, or a mannequin. It's voice portrayed real emotion, granted the emotion was of a sick joy at having found a new torture subject, but emotion nonetheless. Thane wasted no time, he thrust forwards with his soulblade. The torturer was quick, nimbly ducking beside the blade and dodging behind Thane. Fortunately it was not too bright, opting to stand behind Thane and attempt to carve a hole in his thick armour with its rusty little knife. Thane span around, slamming his elbow into the head of the torturer as he did so. There was a resounding clang as Thane's armour collided with the torturer's head. Probably a machine then, thane idly mused, as he watched the torturer stumble around with it's head in it's hands. But one that is not aware that it is a machine? He continued. Wasting no more time he sliced his soulblade around at the torturer, embedding it in its chest. The torturer looked down at where the soulblade peirced it's fake flesh and just stared for a moment, before it began laughing maniacally. Thane dislodged the sword and prepared for a second swing, when suddenly the torturer had dashed out of sight again. He spun around to find the torturer leaping at him, attempting to slice his face open with chaotic swings from its rusty blade. He dodged to the side and grabbed the torturer's arm with his own, quickly and efficiently bringing his soulblade down and severing it's arm. The torturer gaped at its severed arm, and began cackling again, attempting to throw itself at Thane, despite now being without a weapon. Thane dropped the arm to one side and grabbed the flailing automaton by it's head, swiftly decapitating the machine. For a moment it seemed that even this was not enough to quell the frenzied blows of the furious machines, but after a second or two the machine ground to a halt and toppled lifelessly onto the floor.

Thane sheathed his soulblade, grabbed the bag from the torturer's mangled chassis and emptied it out onto the floor. He grabbed the hastily discarded Map of Rome, the torturer's mechanical arm and hooked knife, stuffed them into his fashionable new accessory and slung it around his neck. From the other side of the room he could hear a soft weeping coming from the other automaton, the one that was chained to the wall while the torturer slowly cut into the fake skin of it's exposed chest. Thane walked up to it, staring into it's sad mechanical eyes.
"Help me." The victim pleaded, its voice reduced to nothing more than a whisper.
'You are just a machine' Thane thought. 'The pain you feel is synthetic, no more real than you yourself.' The machine sobbed, more heavily this time. Thane ignored it. To continue attempt to debate the nature of pain with a machine would be a waste of his valuable time. And furthermore, he needed assistance. He wasn't sure that she would be able to provide it, but he had little option at this point in time. He jumped down from the exhibit, and walked to the approximate middle of the corridor so as not to trigger any more of those annoying automatons. Satisfied, he started towards The Countess.


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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 2: The Museum] - by Ixcaliber - 07-14-2010, 10:47 AM