The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School]
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..

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This was incredibly stressful.

Even as she tried to run up the slippery, storm-barren stairs, Lust knew that trying to escape the inevitable collapse of the building was unavoidable. Even as the thought crossed her mind, the stairs began to crumble and shatter, and before she knew it, Lust had been thrown from stable ground into a whirlwind of things, none of them describable with words; there were currents thrashing about, and a constant pounding that shook the walls (or whatever exactly was around her at the time) and all that she could think about is that she really didn't want to be in her body right now, but for some reason she'd lost seemingly all contact with the others since she'd gone off on her little tangent. As much as she tried to cry out to someone, Wrath, Greed, any of the others, the spiritual bond seemed to be flooded out by something else.

She had one hell of a headache, to boot. The pounding and thrashing definately wasn't helping the matter, and soon Lust found that she was floating in a giant pool of water. She looked around, desperately, for walls, but for some reason, the only thing surrounding her was an unforgiving black.

The sound of thunder echoed throughout the void. Another.

Fighting back panic, she managed to steady herself in the water and skim about a bit, finding a seemingly invisible barrier everytime she swam too far. She spent a good half-minute doing this before, suddenly, Lust heard the voices of some of the other contestants slowly coming into focus. They were distant enough she couldn't make out who they belonged to, but she was glad to hear them nonetheless. She swam as hard as she could towards them, but again she slammed into an invisible wall, which as she watched, was slowly becoming not as invisible anymore. A rustish red color began to fade into the four surrounding, and as she felt them the texture of rough bricks began to wave over her fingers. Before she realized it she was back in the school again, having washed inside one of the first-floor classrooms. The water was slowly flooding in, the levels rising, and while it was only at her waist, it was rising at an alarming rate.

She scrambled out of the doorframe, towards the stairs, and frantically tried to climb them again. She heard Algernon's voice (and two other, unfimiliar ones) distant from her, but the only thought registering in Lust's head is that she needed to get out, escape, and get to higher and safer ground. While she slipped on the stairs time and time again, she was reminded by a small piece of cement that has dislodged itself and made a loud plunk in the water that, oh right, the school was fucking collapsing around them.

Dear god,
she thought, she was going to die here wasn't she? Panicking, Lust curled up into a ball and let the current drag her about for awhile, clinging to her soaked jeans and jacket, waiting for either death or escape to come. She closed her eyes tightly and didn't open them until she felt a faint breeze on her cheek. She unfurled after awhile and stood, letting the water gush out of her clothes for awhile, and surveyed her surroundings. She made a note to get new clothes as soon as possible, aside from the problem at hand.

She was standing on solid ground. It was just as soaked as the rest of the place, but she was glad to see that she wasn't floating anymore. As she stood to her knees, she suddenly found that she was in the parking lot of the school, which was utterly deserted. The rain was heavy and pounded down on her face as she looked up at the clouds, but it didn't seem as bad as the Controller had described it. She chuckled. Was he just going on false pretenses? It seemed silly that a demigod such as he, who could kill them off as he pleased, wouldn't even make true of his own assertions. She assumed that in reality, the Controller was not as powerful as he'd advertised, and couldn't even create and entire world; forced to lie in order to make the contestants hesitant to leave. She was making a mental note of it for later when she first heard the faint sound of what seemed to be a gurgled train in the background. It was hard to hear over the sound of the rain, but it grew clearer and closer. Staring at the source of the noise, befuddled, Lust watched in terror as the massive twister hovering above the school came into focus, and tossed a mangled car her way. It hit the ground a couple hundred meters away, and promptly exploded, leaving nothing but a crushed, mangled frame left.

No matter where she went, there were people and environments trying to brutally murder her. Lust had never been put under such pressure before. All the horrible deeds she'd done suddenly flashed before her very eyes, and between gasps she begged profusely to the nothingness for forgiveness of what she'd done. Gasps were interrupted by tears. Tears, by gasps. She seemed less to speak and more to babble, and eventually she fell to her knees, holding herself up only with her trembling arms. She fell to the hard gravel of the parking lot, and looked up into the sky, an unwieldy mix of gray and black.

Terrified and alone, Lust curled up into a ball again and waited for someone to make the bad things go away.

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - by GBCE - 07-07-2010, 02:42 PM