The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School]
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

The ceiling to the floor above creaked and bowed as water escaped through cracks that were forming and splashed down into the puddles that littered the second floor hallways. This was of course irrelevant to Ouroborous. Its Ouroborites had been frustrated that the cry for help they had received had not resulted in easy prey, but now they noted the same delicious scent. They skittered through puddles of rainwater, unaware of how fragile the floor above them was becoming, lost in the intoxicating aroma of blood.

Water from the floors above was pouring straight down the centre of the winding staircase, a fast flowing waterfall plummeting down to the basement, but this was not a detail that Algernon was paying much attention to. He was staring at the old one, in fear and a kind of horrifed awe. Thane was staring intently ahead, a picture of unwavering, unfaltering concentration, untinged with emotion, unburdened by morality. Thane was ruthless, almost mechanical, in his actions, seeming to flourish in this horrific battle. Algernon hated him, it was his fault that one by one his memories were slipping away from him. His worm slurped hungrily as the memories of a treasured Christmas morning simply disappeared. He had not brought an object into the world for as long a time as this before. He could not keep Thane's weapon around for much longer. He thought it would probably be best not to mention it.

Thane watched the door intently, feeling the nervous and disapproving glare of Algernon from behind him. This did not bother him, in fact so long as he killed the swarm of insects he felt that Algernon's services would be rendered unnecessary and he could be terminated at his earliest convenience. He could feel two minds approaching; the first was the swarm mind of Ouroborous, the second was familiar, but slightly different, the mind of one of Maxl's demons.
'We have company.' Thane irritably informed his reluctant ally, who barely even acknowledged this thought.

Lust stamped down the corridor, practically oblivious to her surroundings, lost in a furious haze. She had never felt like this before, she felt hot, her jacket collar too tight, her head buzzing as she replayed events that had led her to this. She didn't even notice as her naked feet plunged into the filthy water that had pooled here and there in the corridor. She slammed open the door to the stairwell, and her gaze alighted on Thane and she just exploded.
"You!" she exclaimed as she marched towards him, not even noticing the flamethrower he held. "If it's not that elven bitch it's you!"

'Get out of here Maxl.'
"No!" Lust exclaimed "I will not do as you say, monster! I will not let you and Holly and whoever else wants to try toy with us, like we are nothing. We are the Deadly Sins! You will respect us! You will fear us! Let me show you why."

Thane was infuriated. His plan was about to be up in smoke at the hands of a broken man and his demon entourage. Thane raised his flamethrower, though he had been hesitant to use it on anything other than Ourborous, he would make an exception to get this stupid, spoilt, beautiful monster out of his face. His finger paused on the flamethrower's trigger for a second before he dropped it entirely, reaching out for Lust's face, bringing her close to him and kissing her deeply, driven by some bizarre instinct. At least that was what he had intended, lacking a mouth he ended up pressing his tentacled face up against hers rather ineffectually. Lust's knee made contact with his groin and she pulled away grinning wickedly.

Algernon was off. As Thane slowly folded to his knees, Algernon took off up the stairs. This wasn't quite the opportunity that he had been expecting but he was a fool if he didn't make use of it. He reached the third floor, the highest that the stairwell went and saw the doors. They were bulging outwards, with water shooting violently through the cracks. They creaked ominously as he slowly came to a stop and started backing back down the stairs.

Lust's grin didn't leave her face as Thane collapsed to his knees. She reached down and picked up the flamethrower that he had discarded, aiming it at his face. Her finger on the trigger when suddenly the noise of screeching Ourborites drowned out the world.

Algernon stuffed his fingers in his ears, and stumbled down the stairs and back to where he had started. Looming in the stairwell door was Ouroborous. His heart sank, overall this was probably inevitable but he had hoped that it would take longer than this. He sank to his knees, his head feeling like someone was prodding around inside it with a drill.

Lust stood there bemused. For a second there it had sounded like Ourborous had been right on top of them, now she couldn't hear a thing. It was like someone had stuffed her ears with cotton wool. She banged the flamethrower experimentally against the wall and didn't hear a thing.
'It's behind you' Thane thought, through the sensations that his human body just couldn't seem to ignore. 'Quickly before it kills both of us.'
Lust perplexedly glanced around. Ouroborous was practically on top of her, its disgusting insects silently pouring into the stairwell. She fumbled the flamethrower towards it, hesitating only momentarily before pulling the trigger back and letting the flames fly into the creature. She watched as it thrashed and screeched as fire spread throughout the Ouroborous. She laughed loudly cackling, though completely silent to her ears. Suddenly the flamethrower misted out of existence as Algernon could no longer sustain it. Enough damage had been done. Ouroborous was retreating back down the corridors.

Ouroborous was in pain, some Ouroborites perishing in the flames, others flinging themselves wildly around, smashing into walls with heavy thuds. The ceiling quivered and shook with every blow. Three quarters of the swarm, those who had suffered only superficial burns or not even been charred, fled from the writhing mass. The burning Ouroborites smashed into the walls again and the ceiling cracked open, flooding the corridors with water from the floor above. The weakened ceiling began to plummet onto the floor below, crashing down with thuds and squelches, exposing the second floor to the angry storm that still lashed down heavy rain onto the school and extinguishing the flames of the beserking Ouroborites.

As Ouroborous took off down the corridors Thane climbed to his feet, with Lust's reluctant aid. Algernon regaining use of his body, but not his composure, ran down the stairs past them, pausing only to tell them to watch out (which neither of them heard, thanks to Thane temporarily shutting down the aural portions of their brains). The doors on the floor above crashed open, a wave of water slamming down the stairs. Algernon, Thane and Lust began fled down the stairs to the first floor as the floor above them collapsed.

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - by Ixcaliber - 07-06-2010, 08:22 AM