The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Algernon fumbled with the roll of bandages for a bit before it finally just stayed in his hands. He still didn't do much until Thane mentioned the monstrous cloud of bugs. Looking a little nervous, he ripped off a long strip and attempted in vain to slip it under the worm's teeth before resorting to punching it lightly. In response, the worm wriggled its tail angrily and hissed, loosening its grip a little, enough for Algernon to slip the bandage underneath and tie it tight. He still didn't feel quite anchored yet, but at least he wouldn't do something incredibly stupid and faint or something.

'Done? Good.' Algernon barely had enough time to pocket the roll of bandages before Thane pushed him out the room and started dragging him down the hallway, turning sharply whenever he felt that any one mind was getting too close for comfort.

Eventually, the two entered a classroom that he felt was well-isolated. The many minds of the Ouroborous had moved past the first turn they took and everybody else were either not moving or moving in the opposite direction. Thane turned back to Algernon, who seemed to be trying to rub off the disconcertingly clammy feeling his grip had left on his wrist.

"Okay, so you wanted to talk?" Algernon's eyes didn't focus directly on Thane, instead preferring to scan quickly around for any plausible escape route if needed.

'Yes. You see--'

"Hey wait," the dark-haired man interrupted. "You were the guy that send out that distress call, weren't you?" A mental sigh formed in his mind.

'Yes. That was me. How intuitive of you. But back to business.' Algernon grimaced. Whenever somebody wanted to talk business, it always meant that somebody wanted to use him. 'I'm sure you're well aware of the situation we are in. A fight amongst eight beings. Individually, one would have a low chance of survival.'

"Oh no." Thane went on as if he hadn't heard.

'I would prefer a higher chance of survival, as I'm sure you would too. So I'm proposing an alliance.'

"Wait a minute--"

'Combined, I'm sure we can be powerful enough to destroy the rest. We both have great power--'

"Look, I'm not gonna team up with you or anybody else."

Thane's expression didn't change--Algernon wasn't sure whether it could change--but there seemed to be a threatening tone in his reply of 'Oh really?'

"Thane, or Yog-Soggoth or whoever you are, frankly, I don't exactly trust you. I've been through this sort of thing before and I'm pretty sure I know how this 'alliance' will turn out. Um, er, sorry," he added nervously, trying to subtly sidle over to the door.

'Others will make their alliances as well. What will you do when confronted?'


'Run? And how will you keep running? Eventually someone will catch up to you and kill you. This is why you need me.'


They were suddenly interrupted by a small crash from above and a shudder from the ceiling. "Oh look, looks like someone's coming around, looks like we should leave--"

Algernon froze at the sound of a soulsword being unsheathed.

'There is nobody nearby. We are not done conversing.' He slowly turned around. Thane was still in the center of the room. Not close enough to slice his throat. But the demon seemed confident that he could easily slay him if he tried to run.

Thinking quickly, Algernon whipped out his gun and pointed it at the demon's torso. "You don't bring a sword to a gunfight," he said darkly, trying to look as confident as he could with an unloaded gun standing between him and a sharp sword.

Thane appeared to surrender, lowering his sword, and Algernon almost sighed with relief. Until he dropped his gun and fell to the floor, wishing that his hands could dig further into his ears as he had just a few minutes ago. The worm, feeling at least some of his pain through their link, twitched. Thane stood where he was, looking slightly smug.

'You don't bring a gun to a psychic battle.'


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - by MalkyTop - 06-15-2010, 06:50 PM