The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School]
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Thane sat at the examination table, a thick plastic slab draped with blue tissue paper for the sake of hygiene, and removed his armor. His sickly pale skin underneath is slick with blood. He takes a pair of forceps from a nearby surgical tray, which his rational mind tells him should not be located in a nurses office in a high school, but then again he has already encountered stranger things in this place. Misplaced surgical equipment is hardly shocking. He calms himself, and inserts the forceps into the bullethole. Pain shoots through his body, much worse than the dull ache he has been feeling since the gunshot. Thane prods tentatively around inside the bullet wound until he locates the small chunk of metal that has caused him such a problem. Spasms of pain shoot through his body as he attempts to tug the bullet free. He yanks it free and collapses from the table, leaving a bloody streak down to the floor. Here he lies for a minute waiting for the pain to subside. Lying there, bloody and in pain Thane questioned his logic in detaching part of his consciousness and attaching it to this vessel. To have a human body is so limiting. His body is so weak, unable to even cope with the pain of extracting a bullet, which was nothing to the soul crushing perpetual agony of being exiled outside of the universe. Human bodies are pathetic, and the moment he won this contest he would return to his self, detach from this body and end it's suffering.

Till then he needed to keep it safe and operational. He stands up, the pain having reached managable levels, and walks over to the sink. He cleans his wound with hot water; this too was painful, but Thane endures it anyway, having lost enough time indulging his body's limitations. Once the wound is clean he walks over to a set of medical cabinets and starts rifling through them, searching for a bandage, when suddenly he senses a mind by the door. Thane again curses his feeble human body and it's limited capacity for pain, distracting him from possible threats. He glances towards the open door to see Algernon standing there looking shocked, blood dripping down his head. Just the person he wanted to see Thane thought happily. His arrival was a timely serendipity. Especially as he noted that the mind of Ourborous was on the move again, heading this way.
'Hello Algernon.' he thinks amiably, as he resumes searching through the cabinets. 'You're just the person I was looking for.' Thane produces a roll of bandages from the cabinets, tears off a strip for his shoulder and throws the remaining roll to Algernon. 'Get yourself fixed up and we'll get out here, I want to find somewhere where we can have a little conversation.' he paused. 'Also, I wouldn't take your time, because Ouroborous is on it's way and until we've had our little conversation I don't think either of us stands much a chance in surviving an encounter with it.'


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - by Ixcaliber - 06-15-2010, 08:41 AM