The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School]
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Thane was acutely aware that despite his desire to find medical supplies he had no idea where to even begin looking for them. He was also acutely aware that he could not spend too much time wandering around methodically checking behind every door he came to or else risk being around when people responded to his message. This was not the ideal situation. The wound, while annoying and debilitating is hardly deathly, and so he quickly decides to prioritise staying hidden. Leaving the science classroom, down the corridor to the right he can sense two minds in a classroom, to the left (down the stairs) he can sense minds approaching, but along the corridor straight ahead there is nothing. He heads down it, past the peace room that will in a short time be the focus of his competitor's attention and into the corridor ahead. The first door he opens opens out into an auditorium, where a whole bunch of plastic chairs are arranged to face a stage, framed in hanging red velvet curtains. It is clear that he will not find anything of use in here, he is ready to re-emerge into the corridor when a screech overwhelms him. He falls to his knees, his hands pressed against his shallow earholes. His body paralysed by the awful noise that is like a jackhammer to his skull. After a minute it stops or at least it quietens, but Thane remains frozen in place, hands clamped over his ears, eyes shut tightly. He focuses on the screech, that dreadful headsplitting noise. Forcing every single second of it into his memories. After a minute he stands up, the memory stored away, seared into his brain, the sensation ready to be duplicated in the minds of his enemies. A quick glance back into the hall reveals Ouroborous heading straight for the peace room. Thane had been unsure whether his psionic abilities would be able to affect something like Ouroborous.. It's mind signature is distinctive. Not the one mind like the others, but thousands of tiny minds all of which should be incapable of coherant thought, but together it somehow manages to think, or at least appear to think. Since it was here he gathers it had probably recieved his message. He wonders whether his other psionic abilities would also prove effective.

Thane was quickly snapped from this reverie by a slight increase in the volume of Ouroborous' constant screeching. This was a good thing, he needed those medical supplies and standing here thinking about future plots and plans was not helping. Ouroborous had gone, into the peace room, and so Thane took the opportunity to cross the corridor and try the other door. It led to a pitch black room, which might have contained anything. He quickly slid off a gauntlet and touched the floor, feeling beneath him a thick carpet. A sure sign that this was not the room he was looking for. He checks the corridor again, it remains clear, before stepping back out. He quickly makes his way further along the corridor, which curves around the pitch black room and back upon itself. He procedes along the corridor with a sense of anxiety. If this was not the room for which he was looking then he had backed himself into a corner with this ambush stunt. He opens the door and is greeted by a sterile white room with an examination table and shelves full of medical equipment. He feels a sense of satisfaction and relief, that was only underscored by the fact that he had discovered the room through sheer luck. Heedless of how he had got here, it was time to dig out that bullet and fix himself up.


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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - by Ixcaliber - 06-09-2010, 07:59 PM