The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School]
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Thane had stood in the doorway of the classroom and watched Acacia as she blasted the hanging robot. He had been surprised, he had been anticipating someone more good and wholesome. Someone who he would have to fool into becoming his friend. As she barked out her unnerving laugh he mentally wiped the slate clean. To someone like this honesty was probably his friend... Well to a point anyway. She noticed him, and began chattering aimlessly about a creature from her world, Thane didn't really take the information in. He was not interested in her world. It was irrevelant. Then she pulled a gun on him and readied her sonic weapon. He acted quickly to block one of the bullets with his corrupted soulblade, it pinged off the blade and buried itself in the wall. The other he wasn't quite as lucky with, it thudded into his right shoulder. His thick plate armor slowed the bullet but did not stop it. And it was the shoulder of his blade arm as well. How unfortunate. He would have to get that seen to, but that was not a matter for now.

'wait' he thought to Acacia. The word arrived in her head, as though it was a voice. She paused for a moment, surprised, but quickly masked this surprise with a sneer of superiority.

"So the Plag can speak?" she said derisively. "What is it that it wishes to say?" she paused. "And make it quick Plag."

'Sure, you probably could kill me right here' thought Thane. 'I am not adequately prepared to fight off this kind of assault. But I can be a valuable asset in this battle.'

"I'm getting bored now." Acacia interrupted impatiently. She idly spun her gun on her hand, just waiting for an excuse to end this conversation and the life of the Plag who stood across from her.

Time for a demonstration. Thane focused on the throbbing pain in his shoulder. He mentally amplified that pain a thousandfold... and then sent that intense sensation to Acacia.

Acacia screamed with pain, her shoulder suddenly on fire, she clamped her other hand against it in the hope that this would somehow help. For that moment while Thane was inflicting this pain upon her, her entire existence revolved around the agony she felt in her shoulder.

Thane walked over to Acacia and took her gun straight out of her hand. He recognised the technology, though it had not existed the world he inhabited. He thumbed back the safety, pushed the barrell up against Acacia's forehead and removed the pain he had inflicted.

Acacia's shoulder pain was vanished in an instant, she suddenly became aware of the situation in which she found herself. Her own gun to her head. This was not going as it should be. "This is doing little to endear you to me, Plag." she hissed.

Thane replaced the safety and handed Acacia back the gun. 'That was not about your death, just demonstrating that I can be useful. You are going to want to survive this competition, like me. We can help each other out. There are some competitors out there that would be trouble to either of us alone but which could easily be taken down by us working as a team. It is our best move for now, what do you say?'

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - by Ixcaliber - 06-03-2010, 04:45 PM