The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School]
Originally posted on MSPA by whoosh!.

Acacia waited until the Countess left the classroom before even daring to move. Jolted into motion by the vacant state of the room, she skittered over to the door and stuck her head out into the hallway. Adrenaline was making its way through her. With explosions and fire, she was waking up.

Or at least Bad Acacia was.

A man had been presumably murdered right in front of her. Bad Acacia could never resist a call like that. She needed to get away, get out, before-

The elf, the elf. No one would care if the elf died. Manipulator, kidnapper, a bitch who veins flowed with purest poison. She could 'rescue' Pluck, incapacitate the emotion-twister and drag her off before anyone could stop her. It wouldn't be hard, no, not at a-

Nonononono. Bad Acacia was a nightmare, brought on by the miasmas of the Last Plague. She didn't exist. Acacia gripped the doorframe, but slid downwards nonetheless. Her heartbeat shuddered through her thin body, about to blow any second and take the world with it. But it was no problem. She just needed to focus. Simple.

Acacia crawled around, heaving her shaking frame far enough to be able stare at a window. There the rain hit it again and again, its mesmerising pattern calm enough to suck her attention in. The hypnotic sight held her steady for perhaps another few precious seconds, but it was inevitable that her mind would wander again. And to what a trigger!

The grisly trail of Sir Arnold glittered mockingly in the light when her traitorous head unavoidably turned to see it. Her heart lurched. Nonononono. Her eyes burned with tears: with desperation and a kind of hopeless fear that would fill one who turned to see a tidal wave upon them. Please, no, it's just a nightmare... She stared, the seconds creaking past, her eyes watering with dryness as well as fear now, until-
Acacia blinked.

The rain still painted the windows in an ever-shifting pattern born of water and gravity, and the walls in the strange light it lent. The darkness still permeated the room, still and calm. Everything was the same.

Skammer pulled herself up, her ascent unhurried. The robot teacher flickered into life, but she merely continued with what she was doing.


Her head flicked towards to the robot. Its words could not have possibly been the reason, but she took three careful strides towards the robot nonetheless and paused less than a foot from him.


[color=#800080]The gun kicked like a bitch, but it's the sound of the shot that would be heard by everyone. Acacia smiled at the remains of the robot teacher in the following silence, but as with all that is golden it was inevitably lost.

Because the perpetrator, one Ms. Acacia Skammer, was laughing. The mechanical clamour jarring and screeched in ways it had clearly never been designed for, vaguely reminiscent of a pig with a chainsaw stuck in its innards. But it was oddly quiet. It could have been happening several rooms away, but if you had been unfortunate to be that close to the spectacle you would have known it be nowhere near as far away as your hears optimistically informed you. Eventually it came to its end as it had begun, the noise jerking and shrieking to the very last moment it dropped out of human hearing.

Suddenly, Acacia straightened herself and appeared as formal as if the last few minutes had really been a miasmatic nightmare. She swivelled towards the door and leapt through it gracefully, skidding on the worn school floor as she refused to pause to turn and begin her sprint through the school.

Sadly, she was interrupted by the appearance of a strangely disfigured individual.

Skammer paused in the very position she had landed in from her jump, awkward as it was, and cocked her head as she looked up and down the being.

"Thane, I believe?"

She didn't wait for his reply. She just smiled in a way that Good Acacia could never have managed.

"Wonderful. You know something? Back on my world we had these little creepers called plags. Nasty things. They were human once. That is, before the Last Plague got hold of them and twisted them until even their closest friends ran from them. They ended up a little bit like you, I guess."

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - by whoosh! - 06-03-2010, 02:59 PM