The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School]
Originally posted on MSPA by Keerutaja.

Sir Arnold looked around at the other fighters, they all seemed to agree with the werewolf's suggestion. "Let's go," he said, and they followed Pluck to the classroom where the robot was. As they walked past the gym, the Countess said carefully "we should tread carefully, that Ouroboros monster is in there I think."

When they got there, they all sat down and the robot started to talk.
"Class size sufficient, beginning lecture." The room got dark and a screen came on, it looked quite boring but people decided to wait instead of asking questios straight away. "Today, we will be discussing the human body and the three-step process it uses to repair itself."

"In the initial phase, the 'inflammatory' stage, the blood clots, forming a scab to prevent further blood loss and avoid infection. After a certain point, this gives way to the proliferative phase, in which weaker, temporary tissue is put in place to present deformation. In the final stage, maturation and remodelling, the temporary skin is replaced with stronger, more permanent skin. This whole process takes months or years to complete, and when it's finally done, the wound is as much as 80% as strong as the original tissue."

"A variety of scientists have studied this process, hoping to improve both its speed and efficacy. A number of theories have been tested, but so far, no man-made process has succeeded; however, there have been a few recorded cases of individuals with accelerated healing abilities."

Arnold stiffened, his eyes wide.

"In these cases, the individual, commonly referred to as an 'immortal,' is able to heal from injuries in minutes or seconds instead of weeks or months, and many of them recover to nearly 100% strength. This is the only advantage they have, though- they are just as susceptible to pain and disease as a normal human. Consider, for example, a wound inflicted on one of these 'immortals.'"

From nowhere, an invisible blade carved across Arnold's chest, shredding and reddening his shirt. He held his breath sharply, eyes bulging in pain. The others tried to move; to run away or to the knight's aid, but found themselves immobilised from the neck down.

The robotic quality was swiftly fading from the teacher's voice, replaced with something horrifyingly familiar.
"As you can see, it causes them the same amount of pain it would cause in any other human. The primary difference is the speed with which it heals." And indeed, the wound was closing already, knitting itself shut as the contestants watched.

"What results is a being that, in a set amount of time, is capable of experiencing the pain of a fresh wound many, many more times than a normal human would."

The slideshow vanished, replaced by an image of the Controller, leaning back in his chair.

"I brought you here to kill each other," he said, using the same tone of voice a parent uses on a disobedient child, slow and purposeful. "I'll be most disappointed if all you do is get together and sing show tunes."

Another slash exploded across Arnold's chest, and another down his back, and another, and another, all clotting and closing and being opened anew. The barrage bringing the knight to his knees, he tried to suck in another breath; trying to scream; only to splutter, coughing up some of the seawater beginning to flood his lungs. What skin was intact began to smoke and sizzle, blisters forming, growing, and bursting in mere seconds. His mouth opened wide, wider than should be possible were it not for the telltale, sickening crack, and his teeth blackened, cracked, and shattered as the dentin and pulp within overheated, roasting and burning his cheeks, gums, and tongue. A harpoon, launched from nowhere, embedded itself in his leg, shattering both his tibia and fibula.

He collapsed to the ground, choking and spluttering and sizzling and unable to scream. The rope went taut; where it came through the wall, there wasn't a hole; it merely faded away into nothingness.

The knight flailed around, wanting to grab something, anything, whatever would keep him from being dragged into the nothing, but the lack of desks left his bloodied, mangled hands scrabbling; the rope tightened, and the harpoon began tugging the broken man leg-first towards the wall. When he reached it, he began to fade out as well, and soon he was gone, leaving nothing but a trail of blood, charred skin, and bits of teeth.

A few seconds passed before the Controller broke the silence, his voice cold and hard. "So please - don't disappoint me."

The screen went black.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - by GBCE - 06-02-2010, 10:39 PM