The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

For some reason the lights in the hallway were also on. Algernon had no idea why they would just be left on if everybody was at home. Wouldn't that waste a lot of electricity?

As he sauntered down, trying to keep alert for any sounds that could be one of the bloodthirsty contestants, he couldn't help but feel affected by the mood this place was giving him. Heavy rain, thunder, lightning, it all gave him a little paranoia. Sometimes the lights flickered. It didn't help the feeling of dread at all. he was in a survival horror movie. Which...well, it sort of was like that, wasn't it?

Which was why, when a voice barked out from behind him, he did not react very calmly.

Sir Arnold lowered his hands from his ears. "That...isn't a greeting where you come from, is it?" He asked, a little amused as he went over to help Algernon off the floor.

"Uh, no, sorry. I just surprised me." The black-haired man chuckled as he let himself be pulled up and brushed himself off.

How lucky! Just as he thought of suitable allies, here comes one of them walking right up to him! With similar intentions, too!

"Yes, well, I would like very much to team up. I was actually looking around for some people...hopefully to form a group. Erm, Algernon." The former knight took the proffered hand and shook it firmly, with a strength that Algernon felt was comforting. "Arnold Scarlet."

"Alright, first things first. What do you have?"

Arnold looked bemused for a moment before replying, "A sword, a gun, and a half-digested sandwich in my gut."

"How many bullets?" Algernon immediately shot back. After a small hesitation, he added, "And where did you get the sandwich?"

"Six loaded, though I do have extras...and, er, I got it out of the cafeteria."

Algernon brightened up. Food! It would be very useful to ration up, though he wasn't sure how long this thing would last. But then again...his pockets were already pretty full with all the chalk and erasers and markers and such...

" didn't happen to notice a backpack or something lying around, did you?" His new partner shook his head. wasn't likely he'd find some sort of bag around if he tried looking. And it wouldn't be good to just pass this opportunity, even though he wouldn't be able to carry much for the future. "Well, lead the way."

After hopping over the counter, Algernon rummaged through the boxes, noticing with distaste that there was a whole pile of food past their expiration date. He didn't remember much about school anymore, but surely the food wasn't this bad, was it? He eventually settled for a light snack, chewing on some celery and pocketing a packet of baby carrots.

"Have any idea what to do next?" Arnold asked as Algernon went back out of the kitchen.

"Honestly, not really...I can't really scavenge up more stuff unless I get a bag. I suppose we'll just have to wander around. Maybe we could go to the principal's office...?"


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - by MalkyTop - 05-31-2010, 09:47 PM