The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [ Apply Within! ]
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Name: Pluck
Gender: Male
Race: Werewolf
Text Colour: #804000
Description:[Image: pluckline.png]
Personality-wise, he's a bit of a jerk. Not a fan of killing innocents, but what he deems innocent is up to him. Totally up for causing havoc, though. Always fun.

Items/Abilities: Can take whatever his target is thinking of at the time, and make it real, assuming it can manifest into a physical thing. Sorry, Sally, your dream of world peace is going to need somebody else. Incidentally, he can't read minds, so it's often a crapshoot. It also doesn't work on himself.
He also keeps a dagger and revolver concealed in his trenchcoat. The dagger he can use pretty good, and while he does know how to use the gun properly, he's not that great with it.

Biography: Pluck was born a healthy human child, Peter Lind Contour. Life for him was overall unremarkable until age 7, when he discovered his ability. He was at a friend's house, watching some giant robot anime with him, when he accidentally used his ability on his friend. On a related note, he wasn't allowed over to his friend's house again after that. Within the year he had learned exactly what his ability was, and started using it on a regular basis, usually for personal gain.
When he was 13 years old, his power created a werewolf. He got bitten, and that explains that. For the next three years he struggled with his lycanthropic form, at first doing the whole 'lock self up in room to prevent mindless killing' bit, but his wolfyness gradually came out more often, until he was a lycanthrope for every day except the full moon. He still went to school with this, but overall, nobody felt it too strange. After all, since he gained his power, there had been plenty of stranger things anyway.
He graduated high school after just turning 18, and quickly within a few months managed to get in trouble with the mafia. Whenever he used his power to get more wealth, somebody was there to take it from him, and a year later, sick of it all, he came up with a plan to kill the Don, and succeeded. For the next five years he spent his life on the road, keeping away from the angry mafiosos who were looking for him. Eventually, he was cornered, with nobody's mind nearby to pull something useful from. Backed into one room, ready to be defeated, he was pulled into this game, for better or worse.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [ Apply Within! ] - by Robust Laser - 05-30-2010, 12:52 PM