Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! Final Round: Chaos Conservatory
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

A deep bass note hung in the air as the pair reached a massive doorway. Several notes were played in succession, definitely the sound of a bass guitar. The amp must have been pretty powerful to create a note that loud.
'So, behind this door is what brought me here. What created me. The god of my world' Michael thought about all the suffering he had endured, the pain he had inflicted, and most of all, the hatred he had of these so called gods.
He took a deep breath, and shouldered the door open.

That's when the music stopped suddenly, like a car that hit a concrete wall. The stillness of the air was unnerving for the few seconds that it took Michael to survey the room. That's when he spotted a cloaked figure sitting on a large amp, bass guitar resting in it's arms. Under the brown cloak's hood he could see two bright red eye's, it's face completely obscured in shadow. Michael felt the rage bubble inside him, and he charged, without a plan or even consideration of the situation. He sprinted across the smooth floor way, instincts screaming to rip the unknown figure to pieces.

He leaped several feet from the amp and brought his body around for a kick, aiming straight for the hooded person's head. It didn't connect. Michael was left tumbling through the air. He glanced back, and saw that his opponent hadn't moved at all. Michael landed on his feet and spun back around. The figure looked the bass over absentmindedly, before slapping his thumb on a string. Michael felt his heart skip a beat, and clutched his chest. His breathing became ragged, and everything in his sight started to wobble. He tried to look back to the mysterious musician, before his field of view was obstructed by the large amp, now hurtling on a course to his head. He brought the vectors in a position he thought to be in front of his face and braced himself as well as he could. The amp connected. Hard. Michael caught glimpses of the world spinning around him, before his body connected with a wall, or what he hoped was a wall. Maybe it was just the floor.

The second collision told him it had indeed been the wall. He opened his eyes again and picked himself off the floor. He wasn't that hurt, most of the impact had been absorbed by the vectors. Eda was still stood at the doorway, watching intently. Michael turned to the figure once more, and saw that it was removing the cloak. He saw spiky red hair and a black gi outfit, the kind that martial artists wore. It was definitely a guy, and he wore a smug grin across his face. Michael stood to the side as the bass guitar spun past, being launched a short second before.

"Nice dodge, for a pathetic excuse of a man"

"Nice throw, for a guy that hides behind others for a living" Michael countered.

The god let out a short laugh, and turned to Eda.

"I heard what you were saying before. That makes me sad," He said with false emotions in his words, "That you, my most beautiful design, would fight the one who gave you existence. I would have kept you by my side, creating worlds and battles. But now I have to kill you both. Screw that insane egomaniac bitch; I have to finish what I started. Look at me" He raised his fist in the air, "Be overwhelmed by my might. I am Drae. I am your Go-"

Michael cut him off by lobbing the broken bass guitar towards his face. Drae caught the debris effortlessly, but he still slid backwards on his feet due to the force. He tutted as he crushed what left of the instrument into rubble. His smirk was still clear on his face, as if combat was some fantastic joke to him.

"I don't care who or what you are. You're the bastard who put me here. You created Mike. You caused too many deaths to happen. I can't just let that go. So, you and me. We end this. One way or another, I'm going to hurt you, even If I have to die to do it"

"In your state you'd die before laying a finger on me"

Michael knew that was at least part true. The near endless combat was had began to wear him out long ago. His ribs still felt like they were stabbing him. Just that little exchange had left him sweating. He was worn out, physically and mentally.

"You understand, I see. Well, let's fix that shall we? I believe 'Romance in Andante' should do nicely."

Drae snapped his fingers, causing a light piano melody to play, seemingly from all directions at once. Michael felt his body begin to tingle, and noticed that he was revitalised. His ribs felt good as new, and his body felt like he had taken a long nap. He flexed his right hand into a fist and back several times. Michael now had an advantage he could manipulate. Music.

"Eda!" He called out. She answered his call by walking to his side of the room. Michael noticed that she had been quiet for some time, but ignored it. "Copy that tune as best you can and keep playing it. I want to be better than my best. I suddenly want to win"

She prepped the violin, and after a few seconds she began to mimic the piano tune note for note. Michael felt the power flow through his body. The vectors seemed to bulge to a larger size, and Michael felt like he could take on an army.

"So, you hyped up sunnovabitch. I'm going to pay you back five fold for every person you created just to die for the sake of creating a monster."

He surged forward, faster than he thought he could run. The distance between him and Drae quickly decreased, until he could reach out the vectors in a double palm strike. Drae caught both of them by their wrists with his bare hands and pulled, swinging them, and Michael, across the room. He rushed after them, barely giving him time to react. Michael leapt backwards to avoid a punch, which Drae followed through with into a combo. Michael blocked, and broke through Drae's defences with a vector chop. Michael had the advantage with the vectors. They could impact as well as slice, and Drae would have a hard time figuring out what he should and shouldn't block.

It was evenly matched for the moment. Simple punches, kicks and blocks. A warm up at best. Michael knew that Drae would have something hidden, he always did. Both solo's went on as the two battled. Eda's smooth violin sometimes pitched higher than the piano, and Michael had to adjust his fighting stance to compensate with the change in the level of power he was being fed.

After a long spar, Eda gave out. She slumped to her knee's, panting. Michael felt the sudden drop in power like he had picked up a bucket of bricks. He spun round to see what had happened to Eda when a spinning kick from Drae smacked him end over end. He righted himself, and made his way over to Eda. She was exhausted; sweat was glistening over her face and neck.

"So, our little game has to come to an end eh? I was beginning to get bored anyway. You thought you get get infinite power for free? You disappoint me brat. I've been losing energy this whole time and you still havn't left a mark on me"

Drae snapped his fingers again, and the piano stopped playing. Michael was back to his normal self, and strangely, it made him feel weak.

"You've been playing with me. Once more you excel at pissing me off. Give me a hundred percent you bastard. Show me!" He screamed, charging once more at Drae, "Show me the power of a god you dickhead!"


Messages In This Thread
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