Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.


Zeke fought back the strange man. He still wasn't sure if he was Itzal or not, he certainly gave off that vibe but his fighting style simply didn't match. Needless to say they were pretty evenly matched. "Alright. You've piked my interest. Who are you?"

Itzal grinned, "Oh me, im just another gambler." Itzal locked his daggers into Zeke's blades. "I think your fun and games are over." Itzal twisted his body, placing Zeke where Itzal was.

Whit took the chance and aimed his pistol at Zeke, firing. The bullet plunged satifyingly into Zeke's back.

Zeke lunged forward and gives out a stifled grunt. Itzal smurked, bringing his fist back and transforming it into something huge. Itzal smashed Zeke to the side, sending the ninja flying and crashing into a painfully solid wall.
Zeke sat there, breathing heavily. His life ebbing away. He tried to fight it, but it was too much, he felt himself get weaker and weaker, his breathing became more erratic.
Zeke calmly and slowly closed his eyes.

...A distant memory fades into existance. Zeke stands in a empty church, weak and unstable, his face bloodied from contant battle. A metalic smashed itself into Zeke's face.


A man, covered completely in armour towered over Zeke. He gave out an aura of pure strengh, mentally and physically.

"You should see yourself Zeke, you should see how useless you are. Lying dead in a foreign land, defeated by such a pathetic trick."

Zeke attempted to stand back up. "I...I-trie-" his sentence was interupted with a bone crushing kick to the face, this mans strengh was unreal.

[background=black:rf92t0mj]"Look at you. Whimpering like a dog. And you said you wanted to kill me. Ha! You could barely a fly."[/background:rf92t0mj]

Zeke was on his knees, tears streaming down his face. "I...will...k-kill..."
The man picked Zeke up by his neck, holding him up high and strangling him.

[background=black:rf92t0mj]"No Zeke. You will never kill me. You have failed your duty. You have failed your clan and You have failed me. You are done Zeke. My victory is complete."[/background:rf92t0mj]

Zeke stared at the souless helmet of the man, his eyes hidden away. Zeke slowly lost his breath and struggled for life. No he thought, it cannot end now. Not now, not when he has come so close. Zeke grabbed the hands of the armoured man. "I...won't...let" Zeke piled all his strengh on simply prying this mans hands away, finally with an intense scream, he was free.

In an instant, Zeke opened his eyes. His previous pain was gone, the bullet was still there but the pain was muted. Zeke stood back up, as if nothing had happened, some time had lapsed and Itzal and Whit had there attentions elsewhere.

Zeke strided towards Whit, who only turned round when he was a couple of metres away, he pulled his pistol and fired at Zeke, direct hit, left arm...But Zeke did not stop. He didn't even flinch, no grimmice of pain, no change in his eyes. Whit couldn't help but be shocked by it, he aimed again but Zeke was right infront of him, and with an unnatural speed Zeke grabbed Whit by the neck and lifted him up the ground with terrifying ease. "Gah! How get so strong!"

Zeke did not respond. He simply took a tiny moment to stare into Whit's eyes, before launching him practically across the casino. Whit crashed into multiple tables and chairs before finally stopping.
A dagger flew through the air, straight towards Zeke's face, he grabbed it and proceeded to crush it in his hand.

Itzal was shocked aswell, he was shot twice and he got stronger?! Not that it mattered, Itzal was confident he could still kill him.
Itzal lunged towards Zeke

Zeke blocked, his emotions completely unstirred. Itzal began a flurry of attacks but Zeke blocked each one effortlessly, he didn't even move. In a tiny gap between Itzal's attacks, Zeke stabed Itzal in the chest, as fast as a lightning stike.

Itzal pulled back, holding his wound, he reformed it easily thanks to his extra life. But he was more preoccupied by Zeke. who was just standing there, his eyes unmoving, as if he was dead.

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