Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal smiled to itself, watching Mike fumble into the room. despite trying to stay near the walls, he soon found himself sideways, twisted by the landscape. Itzal lurked in what Mike thought was the solid ground beneath his feet. But solid or not are matters of perspective, and Itzal's mind was free of preconceptions of how solidity should work. Itzal silently threw a pair of daggers, on left, one right. Mike's vectors darted to knock one out of the air as it curved to him from above, but the other came in from the side and slashed open his ankle.
"Agh!" Mike screamed, clutching his hand to his ankle. "Where are you?"

"What, is this too much for your small brain to comprehend? Should I make this easier for you? Tsk, tsk, I'm not even using mirrors. What you see is what there is."
"Just show yourself!" Mike screamed, the rage building. His vectors whispered to him, telling him how they would eviscerate Itzal, feeding his rage. Mike took a step to the left and found himself staring at his feet. "This makes no sense!"
"Ah, but it makes altogether too much sense. You want me to show myself, fine. Here I am." Itzal suddenly loomed from behind what Mike thought was a open corridor, but now appeared to be a column. Itzal itself seemed misshapen, as if viewed through a fun-house mirror. Its body was scrunched up small, while its limbs stretched out grotesquely long. As it moved towards Mike, its proportions shifted, its body undulating sickeningly, limbs reaching out to become impossibly long before suddenly shrinking back to be
improbably short.

Mike screamed and rushed towards Itzal, vectors poised to kill, but Itzal simply sidestepped him, ending up above him. Mike was completely disoriented by this maneuver, but his vectors were not as slow on the uptake. They darted upwards, and grabbed Itzal by the neck, and started squeezing. "Ha, finally," Mike said. "You are going to pay for making this room."
Itzal started flailing around, and its foot kicked the bucket of ink out of Mikes grasp. The ink splashed out across the the ground, and started flowing downhill. The ink left solid blackness in its wake, solidifying the fragile pencil work into a indestructible wall, it spread out, tracing insane patterns across the bizzare landscape, flowing around into itself, around corners, even back to its starting point as the full bizarreness of the space was revealed. Mike took no notice of this, fully engrossed with Itzal. Itzal continuously flowed out of his grasp, forcing Mike to grab it over and over.
"Just stay still!" Mike screamed, reaching for his gun and firing it into the writhing mass of Itzal. The bullets tore through its flesh, and slammed into the wall behind it, tearing through it like tissue paper. Blood dripped down from Itzal, but it did not stop fighting to escape.
Itzal took advantage of the bullet holes to thrust a pseudopod into it, and started forcing its way through the small opening. It soon made it through, out of Mike's grasp.
Mike screamed in frustration, and started beating his vectors against the wall. To his surprise, the wall started to give way easily. He gave a small cry of victory and tore through the wall after Itzal. There was no sign of Itzal beyond a trail of blood going of further into the maze. Mike rushed along the trail, following its twisting path through the insanity. He paid no attention to bizarre landscape around him, focusing on the blood trail. It was something concrete enough for him to latch onto and navigate.
Itzal fled through its structure, trying to regain its advantage, but the trail of blood was making it impossible to hide. So Itzal decided not to. It darted down a side passage and ended up behind Mike. Mike was too engrossed in the blood trail to notice Itzal behind him, and Itzal threw a swarm of daggers at Mike.
The first dagger hit Mike in the shoulder before the Vectors could react, an lodged itself beneath the shoulder blade. He fell to the ground as the Vectors knocked away the rest of the daggers. Before Itzal could respond with a new volley of knifes, The vectors lifted Mike off the ground and darted away from Itzal.
Itzal leaned against the wall, thankful for a break. He concentrated for a moment, and patched up the bullet wounds so they stopped bleeding. Itzal straightened, and made his way out of the room. "Good luck finding your way out of there. I doubt your mind could even comprehend the entirety of the maze. " Itzal called out, as it walked out the door, twirling Mike's pen between its fingers. Ink was covering too much of the area to for mike to smash his way out. To be sure, Itzal penned a wall in front of the doorway with the last of the ink in the pen. Its ink ran out just as he finished, and Itzal stashed it in its robe as it walked away.

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