Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike peeked around the remains of the mast and found that whit was no longer around. He sighed to himself, knowing that a full on confrontation was not on his to do list right now.
Suddenly, there was a loud smashing noise directly below him, causing him to lob his body to the side, landing on his painful rib. He winced in pain as he raised himself up on his elbow. As he tried to get up,a large shape crashed up through the floor where he had been previously, obliterating the mast as if it were a toothpick. The thing was the shape of a huge human, but the body was made up of debris from buildings and other sources. Mike slowly backed away from it by draggin himself backwards along the deck with his arm. The debris goliath turned, and stared seemed to stare Mike right in the eyes.
That's when Mike noticed the mask. His jaw dropped, not in horror, but in sheer amazement. He broke out on laughter, finding the situation funny.
Trash Grimm seemed to cock it's head to the side, but maybe Mike was just getting weary.
"Fuckin' A! Ironic much. Seriously man, you're a riot" He laughed at the thing, thinking back to Grimm's last words. The hope for mike's death to be as ironic as possible.
"Heh. For the thing I killed to come back to be my end. Yeah, that's one thing I never counted on."
A thought occured to Mike, in the brief moments between his sentance and the jumbled up mess of brick beginning to move. Grimm's mask was given life, along with the parts of the body. Gadget's power was to give life.
Mike made a mental note to 'thank' him properly.
The hulking monster charged at mike, swinging it's arms in an upward sweep. Mike barely got to his feet before it's fists crashed into his side, breaking his left arm, several ribs, and knocking him through the air off of the ark.

He crashed through the canopy, hitting branches, trunks and bushed until he finally slammed painfully into the forrest floor. His body felt numb, he knew he was going into shock.
The sheer power of that blow made Mike's vectors seem like old lady arms rather than killing machines. He was outnumbered, outgunned, and outwitted by everyone in the round. Everything he lacked they excelled in, in one way or another.
'Shit. I'm really gonna die here'
He inspected his arm, which bent in the opposite angle. He was afraid that he'd die before someone was killed. He hoped it would be soon, so that his wounds could be healed again.
'Man, I only hope that thing notices Whit before coming to get me'
Mike made one of his vectors cut a small branch from a tree, and bit into it. Bracing himself, he attempted to snap his arm back into position with his vectors.
they moved before he could clench his teeth, catching him off guard. While a much faster way of doing the job, the agony caused Mike to cry out into the air.


Messages In This Thread
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Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free! - by GBCE - 10-13-2009, 05:30 AM
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free! - by GBCE - 10-13-2009, 05:32 AM
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free! - by Schazer - 10-13-2009, 05:34 AM
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free! - by GBCE - 10-13-2009, 05:36 AM
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free! - by GBCE - 10-13-2009, 05:38 AM
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free! - by GBCE - 10-13-2009, 05:39 AM
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Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free! - by GBCE - 10-13-2009, 05:45 AM
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free! - by Schazer - 10-13-2009, 05:47 AM
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