The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 3: Endymion]
Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

Down a dripping, dreary side street of Endymion, a young man swore loudly as his hand flew from a doorknob. He kicked the door in question.

"What the hell, stupid door! I just" bang! "want to" bang! "open you!" bang bang!

Jeremy stood there, glaring at the doorknob that had just bitten him. Again.

He stewed for a while in his own misery; having been suffering from a terrible hangover for most of the round, he'd spent his time looking for the obvious cure: more alchohol. Then the doors had started biting him, and now his hand hurt and he was still hungover and thirsty and hungry and achy and were those footsteps goddamnit this street is a dead end and the damn doors won't let me-helloooooooo

An unfairly sexy girl, who couldn't be any older than twenty, had just rounded the corner and was giving Jeremy an... uncomfortable look. He froze, and realized his mouth was making an "o" shape. He closed it and licked his lips nervously.

"Uh... did I say that out loud?"

"...yes, you did." The girl cocked her head at him, "Why are you standing in front of my home?"

"Oh, this is, this is your home? Well, you see, uh, I was just, there's some... friends... and I was... um..." Jeremy kept moving his mouth for a while before he realized he wasn't saying anything useful, and settled for standing awkwardly. His mind, however, continued to run an incoherent stream of perversion, given this was the first remotely-attractive female he'd seen since the battle began. If she were a Grandmaster she'd be "The Hotness", he thought to himself. He giggled a bit at the thought. The girl raised an eyebrow. Jeremy gave her a nervous grin. "Uh! Um, you see... truth is... I haven't eaten in a while, and I could really use some bo- errr, water. I could really use some water." Truth be told, Jeremy made a rather ragged sight; clothes covered in dust, maple syrup and other assorted unmentionable liquids and particulates. He imagined he must look pretty worn-down, too. This was one situation where he hoped he looked as terrible as he felt. "I don't really have anywhere to uh... go right now..."

The girl looked him up and down. "Well, I'm not usually in the business of letting strange men into my home, but you seem..." Jeremy flashed another weak grin, "... mostly harmless. My housemates are working right now, but you need to be gone by the time they get back."

Jeremy nodded eagerly. "Yeah! Sure! I just could really use a place to sit, y'know, and... uh..." the girl had walked over to her door, and in so doing turned her back on Jeremy. Which, naturally, caused him to lose focus a bit. "um... mmmy name's Jeremy what's yours?"

The girl looked over her shoulder as she opened her door. "All you get is food and water. For now." She turned, and went inside.

Jeremy sighed in faux-resignation as his eyes wandered back downwards, and he followed The Hotness inside.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 3: Endymion] - by GBCE - 10-03-2011, 04:04 AM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM