The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 1: Grande Adventures]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

It was the second time today that he had found himself high up in the air. It was possibly even more unwelcome than the first time. At least Sirius didn't sport cold, metallic claws that sank into his skin. Considering that the angel beside him wasn't made of the same, odd rubbery material as he was, Sirius was probably in some pain as the speedy drone pinned his wings and bent them in ways they weren't quite meant to be bent.

"Do something!" Sirius managed to gasp out as the window opened to let the robot and its cargo through.

"Wh-what? Buh-but--" Oh and here was the void again. How he hated the void.

"Look, I can't do anything with my arms pinned," Sirius interrupted. "You have to get us out of this!"


Sirius hesitated. That was actually a very good question.

Even without an answer, the Photographer was not exactly willing to be taken wherever this robot wanted them to go. With little effort, his arms sank into his body and reformed so that they were no longer restrained by the claw. He grabbed hold of the metallic arm behind him and carefully wiggled himself loose of the claw, like putty, until he was dangling by the robot's arm. Unfortunately, the camera was not made of putty. The strap got caught on the claw.

"Um," the photographer stuttered, his hands slipping on the sleek metal. He attempted to reach over with a leg as Sirius hissed, "What are you doing?"

"I, uh, I can't--" The robot came to a sudden halt, knocking the breath out of Sirius and almost making the Photographer lose his grip. It clicked and whirred crossly, realizing that somehow one of its cargo had escaped, and released the camera to attempt to recapture the Photographer. The inky-black humanoid managed to catch the camera's strap on his foot and immediately curled it up into a closed circle so that he wouldn't accidentally kick it off before turning his attention to the claw that was curling back above him.

And then it halted, unable to curve so much. The Photographer continued dangling nervously.

After a bit of straining, it realized that this wasn't working out and curled the other way, attempting to snap at his legs, but he swung them out of the way and started shuffling up the arm, trying to be fast and not slip off at the same time. The robot's other many appendages started coming after him as well. He often tried dodging whenever the robot's claws circled back, but sometimes it was just impossible with so many and one would grasp him. Even though he would always slip away, it was still frightening to feel the metal close around him again.

It didn't take him too long to reach the main body and he jumped onto it as a claw tried to grab him once more. The body was even sleeker than the arm and he scrabbled constantly, reaching for a purchase but still slowly slipping off. What made it worse was that, in persistent attempts to reach him, the robot started spinning around, as if that would make its claws longer. The Photographer was quickly slipping off.

Wedge me between the plates, the knife said hastily.

Not particularly wanting to let go with either arm, the Photographer instead grew another short appendage that deftly handed the knife to himself. Having not handled a knife for so long, if ever, he fumbled with it before sticking it between the metal plating that made up the robot.

The robot finally stopped spinning and instead moved around jerkily, speeding back towards the general direction it was going before.

"Um, um, hello!" The Photographer called out, feeling that he really couldn't do much else. "Hi! C-can you hear me?!"

"What is it?" Sirius called back crossly. The robot's recent erratic movement hadn't made him very happy.

"No, I'm, um, trying to talk to the, uh, robot. Hello?" There was still no answer. It was making the Photographer rather uneasy.

"Hello! Anybody! Metal plates, wiring, uhh...whatever else makes up a robot!" Now he was past uneasy and entering panicky.

"What's going on back there?"

"N-nobody's answering! I-I've never...nobody even said anything about damaging it slightly! I, um, it's like it's...dead!"


After the two untangled themselves on the floor, it didn't take them long to get them outside of the arcology. Where, surprisingly enough, they found the thing they had been trying to get away from in the first place. Admittedly, neither had a good look at it, but when it sped to a blur every once in a while, it looked remarkably like the thing they had just seen.

"It's carrying someone," Geoff noted before Jeremy could suggest they both go back inside. "Actually, two someones. I think one of them is...Sirius."

Jeremy paused. "The angel?" he snorted. "Good riddance. Let's go."

"Do you know where it's taking them?" Geoff continued, as if he didn't hear Jeremy in the first place.

Jeremy paused again and shrugged. "Out of this dome place. I dunno."

"But it didn't just simply drop them off out here," the Hattallan explained. "It's taking the trouble to bring them all the way back over there."


"So what's the only building over there that we've seen so far?"

Jeremy paused once more and this time blanched. "Oh. Oooooh."


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 1: Grande Adventures] - by MalkyTop - 08-05-2010, 03:32 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM