The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 1: Grande Adventures]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

The last notes of the incredibly short song died away in the air and the duo waited a bit.

Sirius was more impatient. "Well? What's it...she doing now?"

"Er," the Photographer said, "She's sighing wistfully and...uh...erm..." His voice lowered to a whisper as he turned a non-existent mouth to the angel's ear. "She's looking a little teary."

Sirius's expression did not change, amazingly enough. "She's looking a little teary," he repeated blankly.

"Don't embarrass her!" The Photographer looked a little flustered and rather embarrassed himself. "She, I mean, you, it's, um, a little...impolite..."

"Right. Do you think she would mind finally giving us the code so that I can finally get inside...?"


"Just ask."

It only took a little bit of murmuring for the Photographer to turn back and say, "Yes."

"Well, what is it?"

It took a lot more murmuring for this one.

"Uh, er, can you repeat that...?"

Long pause.

"Oh. Um."

Sirius didn't particularly like the look in the Photographer's eyes when the dark being approached him again. "Uh. Um. She says...'Two boxes, an open box on a stick, a long stick, two open boxes facing different directions--'"

"Alright, stop. Stop." Sirius was now rubbing his temples in the way that the Photographer was afraid he would. "What are you going on about."

"Well...uh...the display, she doesn't exactly know what numbers are."

"An electronic display made for the purpose of displaying numbers. Doesn't know what numbers are."

"Uh, no."

"Can you tell me how that begins to make sense?"

", the only thing she can see is straight ahead, you know...and it's not like many people stop to teach displays how to--"

"That was a rhetorical question."


The angel finished rubbing his forehead and sighed through his hand. "Okay. So all she did was describe the numbers right? I suppose that isn't too hard." His tone of voice betrayed that yes, this was in fact too much trouble to go through for a stupid code. "What did she say again?"

"'Two boxes, open box on a stick, long stick, two boxes facing different directions, two boxes facing the same direction, stick on a stick.'"

"Six numbers," Sirius mumbled under his breath.

"The third one is one," the Photographer offered helpfully. "Um...and I think the last one is seven."

"First one is eight, second to last is three...eight four one two three seven." He typed it in. It was wrong. The Photographer winced and decided not to repeat the jeers of the buttons. Sirius looked frustrated for a second before saying, "I guess five applies too," and typed in eight four one five three seven. It was also wrong.

As Sirius started banging his head on the door, the Photographer had a hasty conversation with the display.

"She says we put it in wrong," he announced.

"I couldn't have guessed," the angel replied between thuds. "Pray tell, what did we get wrong?"

"Well, er, um..." the Photographer trailed off. Something the display just said gave him pause. After a moment, he stared out to where the display stared at and tried to imagine the numbers typed up across the horizon from her point of view, flipping all the numbers in the way she would see it.

"It's backwards," he said, and whipped around to type in seven three five one four eight.

"What?" Sirius said, pausing in his head-banging just as the door groaned open. "Oh. Look at that. It's open."

"Yes, because we look at it from one side of the screen and she peers out from the other so--" the Photographer's excitement at figuring out something was cut short by a dismissive wave from Sirius. The angel just strode into the arcology, relieved that the ordeal was finally over. "Um..."

The Photographer looked from the open door back to the other side of the void, where the meat factory was. " do I...?"

"I don't care," Sirius called back before turning a corner.

The Photographer looked back and forth and finally ducked into the arcology right before the imposing metal door swung shut.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 1: Grande Adventures] - by MalkyTop - 07-22-2010, 06:58 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM