The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 1: Grande Adventures]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

The disgruntled angel flew off, leaving the Dream and his cargo behind.

Whatever that was about, he didn't particularly want to get caught up in it. The Dream pushed the heavy door shut once more. But once he did, heavy chains sprouted off the wall, locking up the door. A heavy clunk sounded as a padlock tied the whole thing together and a deep laugh echoed in the room. The Dream backed away in surprise. Apparently, the photographer was about to have a nightmare...

He turned away from the door and scanned the area carefully. He wasn't about to use the exit any time soon, it seemed. The chains would disappear, of course, if he took the Photographer far enough away, but he couldn't just leave him behind. That would be a little idiotic, considering what might happen now.

"Oh no," the camera murmured. "I think all the recent events are stressing him out..."

"Oh really?" the Dream replied brightly, setting his load down to free up his arms. "Maybe it was when your lens cracked? Or perhaps when some insane powerful entity grabbed him out of reality and dropped him randomly into a battle without our permission? Or was it because, do you think, another possibly insane definitely powerful entity popped in to dismiss the other insane powerful entity and also to kill someone who had been standing near him?"

A long pause as he continued to glance around suspiciously.

"You don't have to be so sarcastic."

The Dream didn't answer, mostly because, quite suddenly, the disgusting meat was trying to kill him. A particularly gruesome-looking blob reared up from the conveyor belt, grew an impressive array of teeth, and launched itself towards him. He simply took out a sword, stood to the side and cut easily through the neck. The head went careening away while the stub just collided clumsily with the floor.

A monster made of ground meat isn't that easily killed though. The neck just reared up once more and grew some teeth. The old head attempted to flop menacingly towards him. The Dream tried punting the head away, but ended up getting his foot stuck. Cursing, he tried to shake it off while also dodging attacks from the larger, more threatening meat snake and keeping an eye on his creator so that the useless sack of...something wouldn't end up dying.

After flying to the arcology, then to the factory and back to the arcology, Sirius landed in front of the factory once more. Nobody opened the door for him this time, so he worked off a little rage by blasting the door down himself.

"Oh good, you're back," the Dream called out before breaking free from the disgusting meaty coils. Unfortunately, this meant more little meat blobs to deal with. "I sorta need a little help, if you don't mind!"

The angel looked at all the little meatlings. Then he stared up at the meat snake, which loomed high over the Dream. Following where it led to, he found that it disappeared as it went up to the ceiling, reappeared as it went to the floor in order to stay upright, then disappeared again going towards the conveyor belts. In short, it looked like a bunch of floating meat.

Sirius could feel a headache coming on.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 1: Grande Adventures] - by MalkyTop - 07-02-2010, 10:28 AM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM