The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 1: Grande Adventures]
Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

Jeremy sees Geoff staring up, awestruck, at the buildings, and eyes him askance, raising an eyebrow. "Yo dude, you act like you've never seen a building before. Ok I mean sure the whole glass dome thing and the... cool... tech... stuff... is kinda far-out but man this ain't got shit on like, Dubai. Some of the stuff they got there... hoo boy! Planes fly lower than their hotels! I once did an awesome base-jump out the emergency exit door of a plane flying by the Burj Khalifa without a parachute! You don't even wanna know how I got out of that one, it... it ah... ahhfuck..."

Geoff had been mostly tuning out Jeremy's typical rambling, but turns in puzzlement at the sudden change in Jeremy's usual upbeat-timbre. Jeremy has started shaking, and, on wobbly legs, walks over to the edge of the dome and sits down, blinking rapidly to fight back tears.

Geoff tries not to become too exasperated. He walks over to Jeremy, and kneels down, placing a hand on the kid's shoulder.

"Hey, kid, what's wrong?"

Jeremy sniffs. "Sorry man, it's just... it's finally catching up to me, y'know? I'm not in Kansas anymore, heh," he spares a small laugh at the pitiful joke. "I mean... first that big crazy spider thing, and the spaz-tastic disco-platform, and then there's angels and gargoyles and creepy little girls running and screaming and then there was that lady! She killed that poor kid! I dunno man, I've been kinda running on adrenaline for a while, and I guess... it's like, calm here, y'know? Like I said, it all finally caught up to me. What are we supposed to be doing, anyways? Kill people? I can't kill people! Shit! Fuck!" The outburst quickly devolves into a barrage of swearing and sniffling.

Geoff sighs. "Look kid, we're all going through the same thing. This situation, this world, it's as alien to me as it is to you. These buildings, for example," Geoff gestures at the, to him, towering colossi, "I've never seen anything like them, but you're able to just take it all in stride. Each of us was ripped from our home, just like you. But we're all dealing with it. And if we can, then so can you. So come on," Geoff grabs Jeremy's arm and pulls him up, "let's investigate."

Jeremy wipes his face with his sleeve as he stands, and gives Geoff a weak grin. "Yeah, yeah man, you're right. I guess... yeah, I h'ain't never been in somethin' this bad, but I've been in bad places with bad people. I can do this." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "Right! Let's be of-"

His confident declaration is cut short by an explosion of light against the glass dome. Geoff and Jeremy instinctively duck, though no sound accompanies the blast. Outside, an extremely angry-looking Sirius is... yelling? Though they cannot hear, his intention is clear. Jeremy glances at Geoff, saying, "I think super-dick wants in." An evil grin crosses his face, and Jeremy gives Sirius the middle finger. "Yeah, yah bastard! We're in here and you're out there! Go fuck a duck!" With that, Jeremy turns and marches off, with Geoff following.

"You know, I'm feeling better already."


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 1: Grande Adventures] - by GBCE - 06-18-2010, 08:04 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM