The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 1: Grande Adventures]
Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

Jeremy is on a spasm-inducing arena. Things are happening. People are yelling. Stuff happens and it's kinda weird and suddenly Jeremy is in a field.

"The... fuck..." Jeremy whispers to himself as his inner ear copes with the sudden change. As he stumbles for balance, a factory moves into view. FACTORY! IT HAS DOORS OH "SWEET JESUS YES" He sprints towards the entrance, visions of isolated mountain cottages filled with women, inner-city clubs with drugged-up half-naked youths pressing against each other fill his mind. He wants to drown himself in... whatever he can find, to forget this whole experience.

He grabs ahold of the door knob, an assortment of locations rush past his vision. He is in such a rush that he does not notice he can feel no link forming in the door. He opens the door...

... and is greeted by horror incarnate.

The strength is sapped from his legs. He struggles not to fall. He does not know how long he stands there; he can't move, he can't think, he can't even yell.

After an indeterminate amount of time, he gasps, not realizing he'd been holding his breath. A terrifying stench fills his nostrils, and this is enough to spur him to motion.

He turns back towards the stupid stupid evil door, sticks his head out, and vomits. Profusely.

The force of the vomiting finally brings him to he knees, and he stumbles back

As he sits there, gasping for breath, his mind begins to churn into motion. Ok. Ok. So the door didn't actually link me to the dimension of hell and suck. It just opened like a regular door into...<font size="4">"Holy fuck, what the hell kind of factory is this..."
... yeeah. There was no link! No LINK! Jeremy stands back up, weakly, and turns towards the closed door. Except the second time... He moves back to the door, places his hand on it, and closes his eyes. He feels. Every door-candidate in the immediate area calls to him. As he spreads his awareness outwards, he can feel every door in the factory, and then, suddenly, a much more distant door, off in the distance, isolated. Isolated! Definitely not in this.... hell.. place... thing. Whatever. Totally goin' there. A polite cough sounds behind him before he opens the door, startling him.

"HOLY what the SHIT, Geoff man what the hell are you doin' here?!"
</font>"I was following you. You did say you could get us out of here if you could find a door, didn't you?"
Jeremy gestures sheepishly, "Yeah, uh, about that... not gonna work. No time to explain, mostly because I don't know what the fuck's goin' on. But... I can get us out of Hannibal's Restaurant here." Geoff doesn't react to the reference, spurring a muttered "Goddamn fucking aliens are gonna be so fucking boring" from Jeremy, before a much louder, "Anyways here we go!" He grabs the doorknob, and the link forms. He opens the door to a grassy field, the factory in the distance, separated by a vast chasm. He breaths in the fresh air as Geoff closes the door behind him.

"Ahh, that's better. Now to forget that place even exists..." Jeremy turns and looks at the building he's just come "out" of. "... what do you make of this, buddy?"

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Re: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 1: Grande Adventures] - by GBCE - 06-14-2010, 08:00 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM