The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting]
Originally posted on MSPA by Thurandul.

Ward stared at the other beings, over a copy of "Curiously The door was Closed". It was a book. Not just any book though, a book about a closed door. How interesting. This interesting book was incredibly interesting. The person who wrote this book, 'Madame Blacuigo', must have been one of the most interesting persons in the entire universe. When she exited from the womb, the gods must have looked down upon her and said "oh Wow, that is quite interesting". In her mothers pregnancy she must have bathed in the pool of intriguing.

Ward was making up all these things in hopes that he, himself, no other being, could analyse these other beings without bringing unneeded attention to himself.

There was an gargoyle talking to an angel. This is stupid. Stupider then a stupid women who writes about doors that happen to be closed when she left them open. Maybe because the wind blew it shut, stupid. What kind of big ass wind would blow in this stupidity though. The gargoyle was interesting though. Moving stone is interesting. Is a gargoyle some sort of charmed golem, or some predator that has evolved to look like stone so it can hunt pigeons.
The angel though is just preposterous. Surely the wings would have to much bigger to lift him, but then again we have this other guy over here with the grey skin. Like a corpse, but hes living, nevermind, its curious but wait huh, the gargoyle has wings too, this is stupid!

Ward flops straight down like he would onto a chair, books fall perfectly out from under his coat from behind him and make a stack for him to land on. From a certain angle it would have probably looked like he just pooped out a stack of novels just like the authors had.
Ward continues arguing with himself in his head not realizing that hes still staring directly at the angel and gargoyle.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - by GBCE - 05-31-2010, 02:27 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM