The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Delicious Engagement [Grand Battle S2G3] [9 slots open]
Originally posted on MSPA by DrloU.

okay, here I go

Character Name: Das UberBatterie

Gender: Robot, Masculine
Race:Machine, Sentient battery robot
Tekhst Culla: I hope #250517 is good

Cool Shit You Can Do: Firing lightning, energy and electricity from the palms of his hands (or claws, rather) and in various ways, from aiming and firing it from pinpoint to firing bolts to shocking the ground he is standing on. Additionally, he can also fire acidic and flammable battery acid which is very conductive. He is (almost) fully immune to both the battery acid and electrical discharge.

Cool Weapons You Have: None, and does not care much for using various weaponry, with the probable exception of a taser, shock baton or a Tesla or Lightning gun.

Description:Standing at roughly 8' tall, He's a large AA-battery with legs and feet and arms with very manipulative alligatorclip-like claws for hands with a nozzle in the center for firing off electricty and even battery acid! His body is a very dark, almost black color while his head (the positive side) is a dark red with a large + for his face. Ladys and gentlemen, Give it up for Das UberBatterie!

Biography: Berlin, 1944. In a top secret bunker under the earth, Germany works on a top secret project to surely turn the tide of the war in their favor; A legion of supersolider robot battalions. One of theese were to be the Roboter Primabatterie Kommandos. They were just about ready to deploy them when a stray allied bomber dropped his load (Quite literally, I am afraid) all over the computer mainframe. All the while the final step of uploading the directives onto the robot was being processed. This caused a series of freak explosions which blew up the facility and stopped the Nazis from deploying the Roboter Primabatteries and thus helping the allies win the war. Uberbatterie however, survived yet his directives were only roughly 25% uploaded. What was supposed to be uploaded into him was various aryan nonsense. Yet what he got was various blanks for ____ being the master race.

Almost 50 years later, He decides that the missing space was walking, sentient superbatterys much like himself. He storms Area51, Roswell, New mexico to obtain US plans for a very similar (if not outright stolen) plan of making Robot Superbatteries. Now, he trys to find the tools and materials to build his dream, occasionally stealing energy from energy substations to fuel himself.

Yes?: NEIN!
Favorite Food: UberBatterie's favorite "Food" is good old Zinc and manganese-oxide, with alkaline electrodes. In other words, Alkaline batterys. But most other batterys and battery acid is good too, as well as pure electricity. Ingested through hands. Cannot (or possibly will not) eat organic foods

Fears:His main fear (Although he would never admit it) is water. More specificly, having to swim. A bit of water on him or even a rainstorm is fine, he actually enjoys it when theres lightning. And even then, he is designed (not to mention upgraded, among other things) not to rust. Plus, water is very conductive and thus may even improve his attack power (as well as damage recived). No, the problem happens to be bodys of water that are deeper then he is. Simply put, he cant swim. He just sinks to the bottem. And while he is almost immune to rusting and corrosion, they still can happen to him. And he fears this happening to him. He also is not a huge fan of compounds resistant to electricity

What Were You Doing When A Big Horrifying Arm Grabbed You Out Of Space: Recharging near a generator.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Delicious Engagement [Grand Battle S2G3] [9 slots open] - by GBCE - 05-27-2010, 08:48 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM