The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Delicious Engagement [Grand Battle S2G3] [9 slots open]
Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

Character Name: Sereno Dementis
Tekhst Culla: .#008000

Cool Shit You Can Do: Can unintentionally summon an entity called Umbra that will try to destroy anything that may cause Sereno harm. This entity will either disapear after enemies have been vanquished, or when it has sustained enough physical blows to render it incapacitated (This may involving cutting off it's head or all of it's limbs. Any damage that comes to Umbra will affect Sereno in a psychological way, such as the sensation of dying. Any harm that comes to Sereno will not affect in any apparent way Umbra unless Sereno is killed. In which case, it is assumed that Umbra will vanish.) or if Sereno somehow gains control of Umbra and tells it to leave. This a very unlikely scenario, seeing as there hasn't been any sign that Sereno has any control whatsoever on Umbra, aside from being summoned whenever Sereno is in a high emotional state. Umbra has an abnormal amount of strength, and prefers tearing people apart with it's hands.
Cool Weapons You Have: Sereno only has a butcher knife that he found while trying to escape the phantasamal hand.
Description: Sereno is descended from an Italian lineage. He is 5'7 feet tall and unhealthily thin. He has dark hair and tan skin. He has a nervous demeanor and an odd sense of humor. He is dressed in clothes that are worse for the wear, usually in dark colors.
Umbra is an entity that takes the shape of something that looks like a nine year old child, gender unknown. Umbra is has no mouth, nostrils, or pupils, yet can still seem to find it's target quite easily. Despite lack of mouth, Umbra has been known to scream when hurt, a scream that sounds like a screeching wind and a terrified child. Umbra is discolored, and skin tone is usually that of a dark grey, but it has been known to change different shades depending on the amount of injuries it suffers. Though Umbra does not have pupils, it's "eyes" are a very dark violet. Umbra's arms and legs are known to stretch to abnormal lengths, usually extending to 3 feet longer then the usual proportions, when trying to increase speed and/or reach.
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Yes?: mehhh
Favorite Food: Sereno loved to eat Bolognese Sauce covered pasta. It reminds of the time when his parents took him out to a field during the 4th of July and his mother had brought the sauce and pasta with her, and she had wrapped the aluminum foil around it in the shape of a swan. And Sereno had eaten it while staring at the colors that exploded in the sky.
Fears: Being found. Killing people by accident. Umbra looking at him.
What he was doing: Squatting in an abandoned house. The windows shattered and there was something after him. Umbra attacked it while Sereno ran to the kitchen. Umbra started screaming. The noise stopped. The thing grabbed his leg. It wouldn't let go and it felt like it never would. And Sereno passed out.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Delicious Engagement [Grand Battle S2G3] [9 slots open] - by GBCE - 05-27-2010, 12:49 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM