DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus

DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus
Re: DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round One: Gamexus X99
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

“This just keeps getting weirder and weirder”

Keagan tried once more to walk forward, but his body just pressed against an unseen force each time. No matter how hard he tried he could not pass, even resorting to using his power. He just fell on his ass when he tried that.

“Then we go the other way, obviously.” Jolene said as she strolled leisurely down the desecrated, deserted mid 80's themed streets.

“The choice would have been nice” Keagan retorted as he caught up.

With no clear goal other than not getting attacked by hooligans and thugs Keagan let his thoughts wonder. Everything that was happening needed to have some kind of connection, so he did what the heroes would do in a comic book, he thought about the facts.

The Amazing had taken eight beings, whatever they truly were or where from, and had kept them still while he did... something. Keagan's sight hadn't been a huge help at that point, so he asked Jolene.

“Looked to me like he was playing a video game, not sure. Not my thing.”

She seemed to be doing her own thinking, her cop instincts forcing her eyes to wander over each alley and shop front for the violent masses that were patrolling around. So while Keagan couldn't move, The Amazing was playing a video game. It matched up with the sounds the screen had been making at least.
So then he introduced them, vaguely, and sent them to a deadly maze. Only it wasn't a maze and was inconsistent with the deadly part. With zombies, car jackings and beat-em-up style zones it was almost as it-

“No.” Keagan stopped in his tracks as the connection he had sought turned out to be a frightening truth if he was right.

“Jolene, I think these places are all really video games. I don't know why we got here instead of a maze, but it makes a sick sort of sense. That Liberty City? I knew I had heard it before, it's from a popular game. Why we can't go the other way? A game mechanic, you only go one way in this game. It all makes sense, and yet doesn't.”

“Does that change anything?”

Keagan was surprised at how well Jolene was taking his insane reveal. Perhaps she had forgone any hopes of living a sane life long ago. But she had a point. This was still a situation they were forced to take part in. The Amazing had said that if one of the eight died, the rest would move on. Change locations like they had arrived, with whatever power he held.

“I wonder if the orange guy is some sort of Supervillain”

“If he is, then we just have to kick his ass.”

“Right on, partner.” partner. Keagan was going to need to get used to saying that, though he briefly wondered if he had hit a sore spot, her once being a cop after all. She didn't show it if he did.

There was a flash in the side of Keagan's view, blinding him while he froze on the spot. He dragged his hat down in an attempt to keep the light drowning out his view, but what he saw at his feet shocked him. He concrete of the road was being torn away, but even as he stepped back in fear his feet found solid purchase where there should be none. He was standing there with nothing underneath him as the light dimmed. With his hat back above his brow, he found the streets missing entirely. It was just him and Jolene alone inside a huge white expanse, though as he concentrated there were hints of blue in seemingly random spots. As he looked her eyes he found her to be just as spooked as he was. It didn't appear that the city was at work here this time, there were no signs of civilization or even whatever counted for “life” in that city of apparitions.

As Keagan kept staring he began to notice that there were strange anomalies in the vast expanse of emptiness. They would flash across his vision, vanishing as quickly as they would appear. For the brief moment he could catch sight of them he could vaguely call their appearance as data, or at least what video games had always assumed data would look like.

The data all at once vanished and once again Keagan found himself blinded. The repetition of the event was beginning to annoy him, but the wonder of the new venue washed away his grief. Cobble-lined streets, rustic old buildings and waterways as far as his good eye could see. People dressed in renaissance outfits gazed unduly at the duo.

“Okay, now where the hell are we.”

“Venice” He guessed, “ Look, you can see gondola's from here, “ Keagan pointed out the small watercraft passing by, leaving out that he can only tell because he had guessed just which video game he was walking through, one he had personal experience with. “Just keep an eye out for a guy wearing mostly white and has tons of swords and stuff, he's probably surrounded by nuns or running over rooftops. Trust me on this, he's the important guy here.”

“I'll keep a couple pairs of eyes out. So, I take it you've played this game before?Jolene followed Keagan's lead as they walked around the vibrant city, completely disregarding the vacant looks the other locals gave them. She was surprised to find that she still had a fair few Others with her, reminding her of their annoying persistence in following her everywhere she goes.

“Something like that, very few boys my age wouldn't recognise this one.” Keagan hadn't been one for video games, he preferred comics. Which was the only real reason he knew what a gondola even was. He scanned crowds, rooftops and even carts of hay for the elusive Italian.

It hadn't ever occurred to him that the reason finding the assassin was because the assassin had already found him. The blade pierced his back and bent on his oblivious flesh. By the time he had realised his target had utterly foiled his attempt Jolene had pulled her gun on the well bearded figure.

“You probably don't know what this is but trust me, one wrong move and I will shoot, bucko.”

“And I see we've found our man, in a sense.” He rubbed idly where the blade had torn his fleece, miffed that his only change of clothes was ruined.

“I see I have been bested,” he spoke with a rich and enchanting accent, one Keagan was sure would have no effect on the hard-boiled Jolene. “My name is-”

“Ezio Auditore, yes I know of you. We require your assistance for a time, one that with have neither of us getting stabbed or shot. As you've just noticed, things aren't going the way they should. I'm not dead, we look completely out of place, and none of us are speaking Italian, though I'm sure you can.”

Ezio looked astounded, and yet oddly curious. “Let us talk more elsewhere, I'll take you, come.”

He walked with a brisk pace even knowing that Jolene was still well armed. Keagan was just playing it cool, knowing that if he came off as a worried child he'd end up getting himself or Jolene killed. Act like he was in the position of power, that was his plan. Jolene just had to pretend he was being normal and it'd probably work out, though he was dealing with a powerful potential enemy. Why he'd even tried to kill Keagan he did not know, though as they neared the Auditore villa he briefly wondered about set ups and ambushes led by cloaked assassins. He was walking a thin line stretched over a leak precipice that could very quickly be his undoing, but he needed to exploit this world for a time. He just hoped it paid off.


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